
I just moved into an apartment and I know I can smell animal pee...?

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what can I do to get it out of the carpet?




  1. You can't. It needs shampooed, if it's really bad the carpet pad will need replaced. When the floor is bare...paint it with any primmer paint. That will "seal in" the odor. It's not up to you though, it needs to be addresses to your building maintenance dept.This is not a problem you should have to deal with. It should have been dealt with before you moved in. The previous tenet should be charged for the work done to rid the odor. That's why we put up security deposits. Hold your ground and insist this gets done.

  2. You wil, not get it out with anything after it has stained the carpet and if any the wood underneath it..I would ask the landlord to take care of can be a health hazard..therefore making it a must do to the landlord according to the health board

  3. UGH !!!  I know what you mean.  I was in that situation at my previous apartment.  Do not spend a ton of money on carpet cleaner solutions, or carpet steamers.  the solution is easier than you think.  It is not even industrial.  All you need to do is to go to the Grocery Store and purchase a Gallon of "WHITE VINEGAR". Put the proper amount onto the carpet, either by spraying it or pouring it...and PRESTO !!!  No more smell.  That is assuming the vinegar hit the spot :-)  Good luck

  4. Rent a carpet steamer or even buy one. You can get nice ones for around $100. I think it's $30 per day to rent, plus the cleaner soap you have to use. Good luck, also wash the walls. A lot of cats spray electrical outlets for some reason. So look around and see if you have to replace those too.

    You should speak with the landlord if you rent. See if they can chip in since it's their apartment and duty to make it pleasant. Some might say since it was there when you toured it, that you're stuck with it though. Are pets allowed in the place? That would help you to determine if it's urine or just a musty old apartment. A steaming will help freshen the place either way.

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