
I just moved into my first apartment

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I just moved into my first apartment and i don't have any furniture lol i want to get my furniture on credit but my credit isn't looking so good where can i go?




  1. in mall, furniture shop

  2. DEFINITELY don't do that! You'll be paying for it long after you are tired of having it and you will pay twice as much that way.

    First, open a savings account and set up a draft from checking to savings on each pay period. Even if it's just $5 each time. Start saving for the things you want and then when you are using cash, you will give it much more thought before buying it.

    Second, think "pre-owned." Check craigslist (even the free section) and flea markets and your local paper's classified ads. Let family and friends know you are in need. Oftentimes people have things they want to get rid of anyway.

  3. Garage sales, seriously. I just moved to my first place too and I got all my furniture at garage sales and good will. Go to any thrift stores or see if you can get any hand me downs. I'm sure someone in your extended family has something they don't want or need. Good luck!

  4. Check the yellow pages for stores the sell used office and hotel furniture,most large hotels only keep their furnishings for a few years and it's still in very good condition and is usually very well made to last.

  5. do not pay for furniture

    they are people out there who will thank you if you help them get rid of those stuff

  6. I would ask your friends or relatives if they have any extra furniture laying around unused.

  7. instead of credit, why don't you look in Garage Sales etc. Credit always becomes a problem later.

  8. Ikea has really cheap furniture. Of course the quality isn't as great at other places. But some of the stuff is really modern and nice looking. I got a lot of my first furniture there. They're pretty affordable! Check them out

  9. idk where you live but I would say ask your mom dad mamaw papaw uncle aunt ect ect for funiture or if its ratty and wore out. Go to morris home furnishings.

  10. Have you tried a rent-a-center of somesort? The more you can afford to put as a down payment the more convincing you will be to them to prove you can make your monthly payments. Depending on where you go they will rent to you just because its business!

  11. Go to flea markets and garage sales. Some stuff will clean right up and others you could put your own personal touches on by painting them or using different fabrics.

  12. Consignment stores have great furniture that isn't dirty or aged. It's great, and can be pretty cheap too. You can always go there, get furniture, and recover it and stuff like that later on.  

  13. auctions, garage sales,look in trading post or your local newspaper, or bullitin boards up in your local shops to see wat people r selling, remember u can always bargain them down if u cant afford it, but hey, lets not get carried away

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