
I just moved to Heidelberg Germany and I am in awsome need of some good hangouts and awsome pary places. Help!

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I know I need to go out but in order to do that you have to know people and everyone I know are family people!! Don't get me wrong, I have a family too, but I am in desperate need of something more than just beer and BBQ's!!Alchohol is not my DOC!! If you know anyting please help me!!




  1. In order to know have to be willing to meet people...and in order to do have to be brave enough to get out public!  You are living in a college town of course...and I should think you will find very interesting and friendly people there.  Dont be afraid to talk to people.  Simply use the same precautions regarding safety as you would anywhere else.  I would start with museums and musical events..and of course sightseeing.  Walking tours are available too..and a good chance to meet other people.

    If you dont have a might think of doing that...and just do everything you can think of to meet nice people and start "networking".  Before you know'll be able to navigate your way around...and will have a handful of trusted friends to hang out with and to ask where to find things that you need.  You are in a very beautiful city.....enjoy!!!

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