
I just moved to the US from England and I keep driving on the wrong side of the road. Any advice?!?

by  |  earlier

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Help please! I almost killed this bloke the other day! Also, I keep getting into the wrong side of the car!




  1. and this is something you can't figure out on your own

  2. Take a driving course and soon.........

  3. haha i agree.. the friend thing would be great.. and if you can find a large empty parking lot or some empty back roads and try practicing ALOT on those l0l

  4. Call a reliable driving school  I did lots of work with people like you.

  5. hehe rofl

    cruise around town with a friend for a few hours

    to get use to it.

    if you got no friends ride a taxi for half an hour

    or you could ride the bus.

  6. Best break that habit quick!!!

    Try getting into a "**** backwards"  frame of mind.

  7. You should stop driving.

    Ask Matthew Broderick

  8. No matter where you are driving the driver is always in the MIDDLE of the road! That's a line from the movie "The Holiday"

    Can't help the getting in the wrong side of the car. Ask a friend from England to send you a Learner's sign, or do they still use those? lol People from the US would not understand but might help YOU!

    Good luck!

  9. get in a cab/bus or drive a round with a few or a few friends to get used to it

    if u dont get it right. right away dont worry it way take time

    after a little while with friends/friend or on a bus/cab try driving around for yourself but have a friend so he/she can help u if u go on the wrong side

    hope i helped

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