
I just moved up in swimming and the practices are so hard that they are not fun anymore. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Everybody else has been practing with this group for like a year and I am so behind. I feel horrible during practice.The coach thinks that I should be able to handle it if I moved up. I used to love going to practice everyday and now I dread it. I have only been to two practices with this group and I hate it! I don't really want to quit and I know I have to go through pain to get better. It is competitive swimming and I do really like ther team, but still.




  1. just keep trying and swim meets will pay off 4 that!! when you get better it will be really fun!!!!!! pleez comment on my questions!! thanx

  2. you got to make a decision. if you are talented enough to be successful in your state/country then you must practice like there is no tomorrow to realize your potential. practice every day, eventually 2 x a day and be sore constantly! it will not be "fun". to be a successful athlete you will be required to sacrifice time, friends etc. the rewards can include success, fame, scholarship, education, great life. if you are not really talented you may want to find something more "fun" to do....

    i am an example of the 1st scenario....swam competitively from age 11 to 22. swimming took me to the Moscow Olympics in 1980 ( i am Austrian) and ended up getting a full scholarship at USC here in LA. since i was successful i do not regret the countless hours of grueling practice, missing out on "childhood" etc.  swimming made me who i am today :)

  3. to make it easier and funner, u should go to a pool and practice during your free-time!!! then it will be easier. to make it funner you should take some friends up to the pool with you, and so they can also prctice wi th you. Or you can your coach if he/she can help you before or after practice!!!

  4. The same thing happened to me... All you have to tell yourself is that you CAN do it.  I know that sounds lame but it is true!  Is there someone on the team that you would really like to beat?  If so try to keep up with them at practice.  What is the best way to do is don't go fast on just one set.  Make each part of the set meaningful.  Work on each 50 or 100 and so on, and make that count.  Keep a positive attitude and work for it.  It will all pay off in the end.  Just tell yourself to not give up and have fun with your friends.  Think of it as something you want to do, not a chore.

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