
I just need an opinion. What do you consider child abuse?

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I am not beating my child ( I don't even have one) I just hear about it and wanted to know your opinion.




  1. Verbal-swearing, calling them bad names, being put down, almost being depressed because of it!

    Physical: beating, hitting, smacking, dragging, broken bones, burns, bruises, pushing, scratches, scars.

    Emotional: kind of like some of the ones up above^^, being ignored...

  2. I think that child abuse is any action that does not give value to the child.

  3. There are many different forms of abuse.  Neglect-  not providing the child with their basic needs.  Physical-  hitting, pushing, and physical contact performed violently and in anger.  Emotional/Mental-  Constant negative criticism, making child feel worthless or bad about themselves.  Sexual-ANY FORM OF SEXUAL CONTACT WITH A CHILD IS ABUSE!  There are also many subcategories.  Check out this website for more information!

  4. It  depends if u beat the child constantly but u just hit the child because the child did somthing its ok

  5. Most anything that is emotionally, physically or psychologically damaging, brought on by those in charge of a child's welfare and well-being.

  6. Beating. Why is your husband or you commiting child abuse?

  7. abusing children, what do you consider spherical?

  8. theres a lot of things that can be considered child abuse for example,

    neglect (ie not feeeding child etc)

    smacking/beating (beyond what some people think is acceptable)

    then there is verbal, which is harder to explain

    hope this has helped a little

  9. cruel and unusual treatment.  placing head under water, choking, putting hand in pot of boiling hot water,  caged, raped, living in a disgustingly dirty home,  etc

  10. Verbally - being called names, being put down, etc

    Sexually - self - explanatory

    Physical - getting beaten up, (bruising, bleeding, broken bones.)

    Neglect - ignoring the needs of a child or elderly that can't help themselves.

  11. Verbal, physical, or sexual abuse.  Also denying basis needs to a child like medical care, food, water, shelter, or a safe clean environment.

  12. any one that harms child or children ,y,,,i think if u don't give them anything they need,or neglected them in anyways,i think anyone that abuses anyone or thing  should  do time,i was in a relationship that i was abused and  my daughters  where in the middle to to the fact that i stayed because it was there father,but after i left it made me and  my daughters stronger and now hes moved on to the next it is a cycle it doesn't  stop,why have children if u cant handle them  take care of them or love them the way you should some people learn the hard way and to late

  13. constant beating of the child... or beating a child when nothing was done. anything more then a small or light spanking.

  14. Having or being in the process of getting a child development masters degree does NOT constitute being a parent, nor does it qualify anyone to make brash statements about the correctness of spanking.  These people are the ones who are responsible for the total chaos in our schools today.  These people are the ones responsible for the government interferring in the family.  The major problem is that most of these people have never had or raised a child, let alone an unruly child that needs constant supervision and discipline!

    I am a great beliver in advancing education and achieving success in your chosen field, but this is one field that needs to be done away with!

  15. Physically harming a child with an unjustified reason

  16. when they're emotionally hurt verbally

    or when they're physically hurt being left with scars and marks.

    simple as that.

  17. I bet you've got alot more questions to ask than this simple one liner.  If you are hitting your child, if you are trying to verbally asault your child, if you are exposing your child to pornography, if you are exposing your child to sexual activities, and the list could go on and on.  Some people call hitting and humiliating their child "discipline"; that's not discipline, that's abuse.  Discipline is teaching and you don't lay your hands on a kid when you are teaching.  If you always deal with your child when you are NOT angry, you will probably never have to worry about being abusive.  If you are angry at your child, then calm down, count to ten, and then deal with the issue in a calm manner.

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