
I just noticed in the mirror while taking my contacts out that my left eye has redness.

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its in the corner nearest my nose and its maybe about 16 of my eye. what is it?




  1. It might just b irritated because you rubbed your eye, in which case it should heal on its own.

  2. You should absolutely ask your ophthalmologist.

    This could be just irritation from the contacts, or any number of things.  Occasionally, you can burst a blood vessel in your eye.  If you don't see distinct red lines but more of a solid red 'patch' this is probably what happened.... I think this is what you're trying to describe.

    This normally occurs when you exhale hard against a closed mouth (which is called a 'valsalva maneuver').  It usually will go away on its own.  I would suggest that you avoid wearing the contacts, however, and talk to your ophthalmologist.  You could have something else going on that I'm not aware of.

    You should be fine though =)

    From wikipedia:

    Valsalva retinopathy

    A pathologic syndrome associated with the Valsalva maneuver is Valsalva retinopathy.[12] It presents as preretinal hemorrhage (bleeding in front of the retina) in people with a history of transient increase in the intrathoracic pressure. The bleeding may be associated with a history of heavy lifting, a forceful coughing, straining on the toilet, or vomiting. The bleeding may cause a reduction of vision if it obstructs the visual axis. Patients may also note floaters in their vision. Usually a full recovery of vision is made.

  3. its not that that big of a deal get over it

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