
I just out of an abusive relationship,I'm living with my 60 year old parents, can't drive & I have no friends?

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I just don't know what to do with myself? :/




  1. Since you picked the social field to answer your question... Socially, you need to find yourself again. Being in an abusive situations takes it's toll on a persons personality, because of the outside force acting on you. So relax, and find out what makes you happy and what doesn't. Like, if the person said something negative about you... you need to question it, and make sure, you are, who you are... Never let someones interpretation become a reality of who you internally. I am happy that  you are strong  person and  that you  know when you need to separate yourself from abusive individual. It takes a very strong person to break themselves away from social bonds, that tie them to an abusive person. Trust me, after a self evaluation of yourself, you will find that you have plenty to do, and not enough time to do it......... happy days are  here again......good luck

  2. A good way to make new friends and feel good about yourself is to volunteer, then you are guaranteed to meet good, kind, genuine and compassionate people. Enjoy the time that you have with your parents, they love you. Find out about taking driving lessons or be 'green' and use public transport, this way you'll get to meet more people. After an abusive relationship, (been there too) developing your self esteem is something that you may want to consider. Best of Luck with your new beginning x

  3. Learn to drive. Get a job. Try to get out some and meet people with interests similar to yours. Take up a hobby. Get a pet.

  4. try starting u life again.................get out of ur parents house and start living wher epeople can be friends and then try to forget about ur past with the abusive relationship and also try to live life ur way and then u will find a new hope  

  5. get a bike

  6. take your time, savor the fact that your out of the situation. i don't know how things are, living at your parents, but you should all embrace and cherish this time. you took a brave step! many people never "get out". try calling a shelter, or "haven"  and tell them you would like to volunteer. explain your driving situation. someone may be able to pick you up. you can tell others how you did it, and that may give them the courage to move forward. and when you volunteer you will meet many good people, and opportunities can arise. Bless You! and Good Luck!

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