
I just pierced my ears and i know on of them its infected ?

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my piercing hurt a lot so i decided to take it off, since i didnt want the hole to close someone told me to put a string!is it safe?




  1. Trust me this is an age old ghetto trick that was passed down from my family!        Step 1: go get your broom! (I'm serious lady!).                Step 2: get some scissors.              Step 3: cut a piece of the broom straw off (not the bottom! More toward the top. Pick a sturdy one.).          Step 4: snip it small enough for your ear and big enough to pull out.).                 Step 5: sterilize with alcohol and clean your ears with alcohol to keep them clean. Insert the piece in whenever to keep your hole from closing

  2. why would u do that. When you get your ears pierced yeah obviously its gunna hurt but your not suppose to take them out. Thats the number one rule when getting a piercing . now of course its gunna get infected or it might even close. and dont put a string in because thats not gunna work!

    Just put back the earring and maybe it might not get closed but im sure its gunna get infected  (Y)

  3. just put the earing back in and stop being a wimp.

    duh it's gonna hurt.. a needle went through your ear. what were you expecting?!

  4. :O!!!!!!

    You should NEVER take a piercing out right after you just pierced it!

    Piercings hurt naturally because you just put a hole through your earlobes! Of course it'll hurt!

    But if it's infected, then the bacteria might get stuck in the hole that you just made, and you will get something that is not so nice in the end.

    Putting a string through it is definetly not a good idea because the string might be dirty. You can either clean your earring and try to put it back in (it'll hurt MAJOR, so put so ice on it to numb it first!), OR you can put a clean tea stick in, which is what my friend did and it worked okay.

    Go to the doctors though, and see if it is actually infected!

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