
I just pierced my tongue 4 days go and it's itchy ...?

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I had my tongue pierced 4 days ago and its really swollen and red but also its really itchy people are telling me that it's just the healing process but i am really worried..




  1. i got mine last year

    and mine itched a lot too

    it is just the healing process. :]

    so dont worry. it'll quit soon

  2. Its just the dried dead cells, part of the healing process.

  3. it is the healing process...i got mine done 3.5 months ago ish and it did itch..sooth it with ice chips :) it will go awayin a couple days..start to worry tho if it turns purpl-y

  4. The itching is healing process don't worry but you should do something about that swelling. Starting eating ice like crazy and cold things to help bring down the swelling. EVen though the swelling is normal you cant just leave it without doing anything, also take some ibuprofen for the swelling.

  5. Itching means healing.  

  6. gargle with hydrogen peroxide

    or scratch it with a fork lol thats what i had to do

  7. If you're not having unusual discharge colored yellow or green, the piercing is not hot to the touch, and extremely tender, this is probably just the healing process.

    Do sea salt soaks twice a day for a few weeks and you should be good to go. You can make the soaks by mixing 1/8 of a teaspoon of sea salt to 8oz of warm water and swish for about 5 minutes. Also, suck on some ice chips and take some ibuprofin for pain and swelling.

    Good luck! :)

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