
I just purchased an IR Control Cable for my Tivo. I can't find the IR Receiver on my Motorola cable box?

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I am trying to set up my Tivo to receive Digital Cable (Comcast) from my cable box. They are right next to one another.

I have the purple end of the IR Control Cable plugged into the Tivo, and now I need to position the receiving end on top of and below the cable box IR Transmitter (as I understand it)?

Can anyone offer assistance? I am following these instructions:

Hooking up an Infrared Control cable

IR Control cable is a fancy name for the "mini-remote on a string" that TiVo uses to change channels on your cable or satellite box. When you fasten TiVo's little IR Control cable in the right place on the front of your cable or satellite box, TiVo uses it to beam signals telling the box to change stations.

Follows these steps to set it up:

1. Locate the IR Control (Infrared Control) cable packaged with your TiVo.

The IR Control cable is black; one end sports a little pointed connector, the other has two angular plastic doodads. (You may spot a little "bulb" on the end of each doodad.)

2. Locate the infrared receiver on your cable or satellite box.

The thing's almost invisible, but it's always on the box's front, usually behind a semitransparent plastic window. It's the flat little receiver inside, usually square or rectangular.

3. Fasten TiVo's infrared controls above and below the cable or satellite box's infrared receiver.

Let the two doodads hang about 1.5 inches past the box's edges. Use the bundled pieces of double-sticky tape to fasten each control to the box.

4. Plug the cable's other end (usually purple) into the TiVo's IR jack.




  1. Just place the IR emitters so they can send signal to the front window of the cable box. If you shine a flashlight into the window where the numbers are, you should be able to see the little electric eye inside. Should be on the right side.

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