
I just put a LITTLE bit of iodized salt in my 25 gal fish tank, will that kill my dragon fish? also, if i just

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use freshwater will that be fatal?




  1. You might want to change some of your water. Iodized salt is very bad for your fish. Freshwater wont be fatal, but it may cause your fish to become stressed && will shorten its lifespan. Dragonfish need brackish water so you really need to go out && purchase some aquarium salt =]

  2. Using iodized salt, contrary to popular belief, is if anything, beneficial.  The amount of iodine and non-caking agents in iodized salt are so small they would reach dangerous levels far after the fish died from the body becoming hypersaline.  You have nothing to worry about.

    Freshwater may not kill it immediately, but it will become extremely susceptible to infection as all its body functions will be made more difficult without the dissolved minerals in brackish water.  Magnesium, calcium, sodium, and chloride all play vital roles in a fish's respiration, osmotic function, immune system, and all other processes.

    I strongly suggest you read both of the articles I posted above.

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