
I just put a snail and a sucker fish in my fish tank with 2 orandas ,and my fishhave white spots now?

by  |  earlier

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I just put a snail and a suckerfish in my fish tank with two orandas ,they have white spots all over them (mainly on thier tails ) Is it because i put the other fish in the tank what is the best method to get rid of these spot s if any? should i take the snail and the sucker fish out of the tank?




  1. Sounds like your fish got ich/ick. You can go to your local petshop (soon!!) and get some medication to cure them. I don't know the exact brand, but the store can show you what to get.

  2. I agree it sounds like ick to me. They will die if it is not treated a.s.a.p. It only gets worse. I would suggest getting a ick dip treatment from the pet store, remove the sick fish from the tank into a smaller tank. treat them I think the ick cycle last about 3 weeks. If you decided to treat the entire tank remove your charcoal from the filter. The ick medicine will be absorbed by the filter. Check with the pet store. Ick is kinda like e-coli for humans they always have it. The fish you bought may have had it and give it to your tank.

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