
I just ran my 20-miler at a 10-minute pace. How much faster can I expect to run my marathon?

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I was pretty tired at the end of the 20-miler, but not completely done in as I've been using the traditional "long slow run" approach. I haven't run a marathon before and it's been years since I ran a half (at an 8:29 pace, but I was much younger). I'd like to finish the marathon in 4:00, but I'm not sure I can keep a 9:09 pace throughout. I ran a 10-miler at that pace and was pretty tired at the end. Can I reasonably expect to be able to run a 9:30 pace? Or am I better off just sticking with 10:00 to ensure I finish the thing?




  1. shoot for a 9:30 pace and see how u feel after 10, if u feel like u can go the whole way keep up the pace if not slow it down a bit

  2. go all out and leave nothing behind running is almost all mental just make sure you eat enough before and stay hydrated and you can finish at the pace you want just run through the pain when it starts and your body will start to block it out naturally and you won't feel it at all anymore.

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