
I just read my 7 year old daughter's journal!!?

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She left it out on her desk open and I could not resist. Here is what it said:

"There was a naked girl named (one of her friends). One day when she was making out with her boyfriend, she took offer her bra, shirt, pants, socks and underwear. So did her boyfriend. They touched eachothers privates. THE END"

OK< WTF? I know she knows that "making out" is kissing is because its all over the shows she watches, like ZOey 101. Even my 5 year old says "fake-out make-out" he got from he got from some cartoon, he says its fake kissing. My daughter showed me the other day how to "make-out" with the dog, she kissed the dog with her mouth closed and twisted her head side to side. And no too long ago she heard the word "rape" on the news and asked me what it was, I told her when people touch your privates without permission. I have given her all the speeches about not letting others touch your privates, etc. SO I know she knows a little about kissing, boys,etc. She once asked me what




  1. Ooh, tough one.  For girls, 2nd grade-ish is when I&#039;ve heard them really begin to be curious about romantic relationships and wonder what s*x is.  Sounds like she&#039;s been influenced by TV and likely by older kids.

    I would go ahead and tell her that you saw something she wrote and that you were interested to know more about where she heard this/got the idea and her thoughts about it.  Be willing to listen at least as much as you talk.  Gauge by her response how much you decide to share about relationships and how close you are getting to teaching her some basics about s*x and sexuality.  At her age, I&#039;d suggest you focus more on people needing to be grown up in order to make good decisions about who to share their bodies with, that this is a very private thing that grownups choose to do after a lot of thinking, but you can understand that she&#039;s curious.

    The book &quot;Where Did I Come From&quot; is a good book to use when she&#039;s truly ready to learn what s*x it--it&#039;s written for about 2nd/3rd grade level of understanding (you might review it if you wonder what information is appropriate to share with kids)

    What I WOULDN&#039;T do is shame her (I don&#039;t hear that in your question) or shut down communication by saying &quot;stop that and I never want to hear of you talking like that again!&quot;  What that does is close down communication between you, and this is one issue you really need her to be able to discuss with you!  The best message I&#039;ve heard about s*x/relationships is &quot;loving someone and sharing yourself is a wonderful and amazing thing.  It&#039;s a decision that you have to take very seriously and so it&#039;s a decision people need to be older to make, as it&#039;s not something you can take back.&quot;

  2. Sometimes your kids have friends that tell them this stuff.

    One kid will find out was s*x means and bam, everyone she tells (ususally everyone she knows) knows what it means.

    Dude tell her to not ever say anything like that, and try to help her through what s*x means.

    Of course shes going to say she doesn&#039;t know what your talking about.

    Just tell her to not do anything that involves s*x

  3. wow, little people grow up fast! my little girl is 8 and ill tell you its scary how much they know. it is normal curiosity, they have been exposed to so much so young. just keep talking with her as she matures and don&#039;t ever make her afraid to come to you if she needs help. many parents would rather not talk about it or make the kids ashamed for being curious. I&#039;m not saying that you should be her friend but you should be the one that she trusts.

  4. haha. id hate to be u right now.

  5. Well, I hate to break it to you because I know this concerns you a lot, but tons of kids write stuff like this.  There&#039;s nothing wrong with your daughter.  She&#039;s just being a curious 7 year old.

    I wrote stuff like that when I was 7 and so did literally hundreds of people I know.

    Don&#039;t worry about it.

    Just talk to her.

    If she&#039;s wondering about this stuff, it really is time to sit her down and have a talk about it.  Don&#039;t be too graphic, just tell her what she needs to know.  Basic functions and so on...

  6. it most likely she got it from watching something on tv or hearing someone talk about it i think u should ask keep asking her questions and see how she responds to them keep talking to her never lose that trust or connection with her...

    i dont think there is anything wrong with her she is just curious thats normal for her age

    good luck

  7. It sounds to me like you and your daughter need to sit down and seriously discuss what that was about.  You need to tell her that you read it and want to know if it is something that really happened or was just made up.  I also think you need to monitor the shows a little more closely because television with making out is not appropriate for a seven year old.  Check the ratings and make sure it is not for tweens or teens.  I have a 7 year old stepdaughter and she knows nothing about s*x or making out.  Also I would be finding out what her friends know and see if they are having an influence, Does she have an older sibling or do her friends have older siblings that she could have possibly overheard?  That is way to much knowledge at 7 something is definitely wrong.

  8. i agree with you on reading her journal and your right you are her mom! i would ask her about it and try and find out if its true or it was something she seen on tv etc etc i honestly cant believe a 7 yr old would do the things described i have 2 daughters one is 20yrs and the other is 13 and @ 7yrs they were talking about music and playing with dolls so maybe your daughter just has mature friends or shes got a huge imagination im not sure but if it is true you need to let the parent of the other girl know thats not something to keep secert from them this is tough and im glad im not in your shoes take care and good luck and ^5 to you for being a concerned mother there isnt alot of that going on these days and as far as her knowing about making out and s*x etc etc i would rather tell my kids then have them learn else where and maybe get the wrong information ya know your doing good keep up the good work!!

  9. 1. Reading your child&#039;s journal will come back to bite you. I promise. One day she will be a teenager and want to kill you. Lol. No, but seriously, it will shatter any trust she has in you, so I suggest stopping that behavior soon!

    2. That&#039;s a scary thing to read from your 7 year old! I would simply talk to her about it and ask her why she wrote it. That is the most straightforward and mature way to handle it. Then, instead of telling her you don&#039;t know what s*x is, you can explain as much as is age appropriate, so that she knows how to protect herself and knows what is inappropriate and what is appropriate.

    Good luck!

  10. WOAH. I have a 7 year old son, and all he cares about are hot wheels and spongebob!! Your daughter is very, (how do I put this...) sexually mature for such a young age. I would talk to her about it and tell her that she should focus more on other things than that kind of stuff. Even your 5 year old is catching on..... that should tell you something about what you let your kids be exposed to.

    EDIT: You&#039;re her mother. I think you have every right to read her diary! If she were older, then that would be kind of mean, but she&#039;s only 7. Don&#039;t listen to people who are criticizing you for that.

  11. why&#039;d you read her journal!!??

  12. that is why i homeschool my kids i don&#039;t need them picking up other childrens problems or issues. i make sure their tvs are blocked from stuff like that. i would find out where she got that from and do somethng about it.

  13. Maybe it happened and her friend told her about it kids often experiment but I think you should talk to your daughter about good touch, bad touch and that touching someone else or someone touching her is never OK but she can always tell you anything no matter what.

  14. She still has thoughts, and feelings even though she&#039;s seven.

    Just because she is a little kid doesn&#039;t mean privacy doesn&#039;t exist.

    Although...MAN that&#039;s some extreme stuff. But look at it this way, half the &#039;story&#039; was naming clothing. Part was Zoey 101. And she said privates, so its not like she knows a lot about &#039;whats up down there&#039; so that&#039;s safe.

    Honestly, I don&#039;t know a little kid who doesn&#039;t know the stuff there. Its a little odd she wrote about it, but don&#039;t over react.

    Maybe ask her if any of her friends have boyfriends or like boys (and hope she says no :P ) but don&#039;t freak out.

    And don&#039;t read her journal. She&#039;ll never trust you again if she finds out.

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