
I just read on here that running makes you lose weight, but want to eat more. Is that true?

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I feel like in the last couple of months of working out (running, weights, and gym) I feel like I am eating more




  1. Yes, both are true. But, if you watch what you eat, you will still burn much more than the extra you take in. So, it will help you lose weight and build muscle, which will burn more calories.

  2. That is very true. When you run you burn calories and fat. We you eat less calories than you burn, you lose weight. When you burn energy it takes food, so you get hungry. :)

  3. That's a good sign - it means your body is "noticing" the extra work you are doing.  Just eat healthy food in 4-5 small meals per day and keep up the good work.  If you're hungry (not just craving a bag of chips or bored) that means your body has used up enough stored energy (i.e. fat) that it feels you need to take in some calories.  Again, eat healthy, small and often and you'll be in good shape.

  4. Yes, it makes no sense to train to exhaustion then starve yourself or eat as if you were not exercising. You have to eat more to give your body energy. First, there is nothing wrong with that.

    As long as you are burning more than you are taking in (calories) you will be ok. And remember, sometimes, it's not how much you eat, but what you eat. You can't just eat junk food. You will be more hungry so choose granola, salads, etc.

  5. Yes,but what are you eating? That will make the difference.If you are eating more fruits and veggies then yes you will lose weight and get toned up at the same time.The thing is to stay away from so much sugar and starchs

  6. Of course it does... You are burning more energy and calories, therefore, your body is needing to take in more energy through food... Hence, eating more.

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