
I just realised that im scared..!!?

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i am actually scared of dying.i dont want anyone in my family to scared of losing my mum and dad.i turned 15 2 weeks back woke up and just all feels so real it normal?




  1. i think everyone goes through a stage in their life when they are afraid of death. dont worry im sure it will pass soon.

    just dont stress or be scared or anything. everything happens for a reason and im sure everythings gonna be fine. =]

  2. i..don'

    talk to a psychiatrist or something hunnie

  3. If this doesn't resolve itself within a little while, please go see your doctor.  He may want to give you something for anxiety

  4. Yes...I'm scared of dying too...or anyone in my family...what's not normal is if you're obsessing about it...that's a sign of anxiety

  5. Life is a journey and unfortunately the end of it is death, but you don't know when your life will end. Could be in 70 years could be tomorrow. The only thing you can do is LIVE LIFE AS YOU WANT TODAY.

  6. I fear this as well, nobody wants to lose themselves or the people they are close to! It's natural to feel this way, but it's also a natural part of life we all must endure.  

  7. What are a girl? get over it  

  8. Absolutly normal at your age and will subside and get better.  ALot of this fear and anxiety over this may be caused from your Hormones which alot of us get out of wack, especially through out your teen years.  Hope you feel better soon!

  9. Dying is natural, to live you must die. Don't spend time worrying about something you can't control. If someone you know dies, it hurts like h**l,but in time the pain will not be as bad. I know my mum died and my Granny,but I still have memories of them that last forever.Just live life,and enjoy it,the best way you can,no worries!

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