
I just received a letter from my insurance asking me i give permission to disclose my policy limits.?

by  |  earlier

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what does that mean? Is the one who I hit going to sue me? should i disclose my my policy limits or not?

he's not even from the US and didn't even have a valid driver's license with him. i just don't understand what is this form that they sent me.




  1. I think this happens when someone intends to pay for an accident themselves, instead of letting their insurance cover it.  Essentially, it allows the other person to pay you directly, instead of going through the insurance company.  So, if you have a $500 deductible, and there was $750 in damage, the person may offer to pay you the $250 difference directly, since you would have had to pay $500 in certain circumstances.

    However, you should probably call your agent, and have them clarify.  It is NOT in the insurance company's best interest to let you do this, so there could be ramifications.  Also, it could be a sign that the other party is protesting the cause of the accident.  

    Good luck.

  2. Your insurance company will normally protect you up to the limits of your liability policy.

    I would NOT reveal my limits to others and if they keep insisting that you reveal your limits - I would seek outside legal counsel and look at changing agents for the future.

    In my office - a client's limits of liability and ALL personal matters are between the client and us. NO ONE gets those - NO ONE.

    You should be talking DIRECT with your insurance COMPANY CLAIMS ADJUSTOR and NOT the local agent.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

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