
I just received a message on skype saying i have malware on my computer?

by  |  earlier

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Its from something called Registry Online and says the following...should I do what it says or is it a scam?

Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution / Virus Infection /

Unexpected shutdowns

Recommendation: Users running vulnerable version should install a repair

utility immediately

Your system IS affected, download the patch from the address below !

Failure to do so may result in severe computer malfunction.




  1. Never download a pop up program that "advises" you that you have viruses or spyware.  Because the program they want you to download is going to contain either spyware or a virus.  And usually such programs are designed TO BE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE.

  2. Never click on any link from unknown sources.

    If you didn't have malware, for sure you will if you click on the link...

  3. Scam.

    Scam, scam, scam, scam, scam.

    If you hover over the link (don't click on it!) you'll probably see that the site it will try to take you to is different to where it's saying it will take you to.

    If in doubt, use the free Windows Defender or Zone Alarms to do a check of your pc.

    Never trust random message...  especially from programs like Skype that have nowt to do with security :-)

  4. Why would someone on Skype know if you are infected or not?

    Trust your anti virus software, your firewall and your own judgment. Not some guy you have never seen before who messages you on an instant messaging service.

    Especially if he tells you to download something.

    Why would he care?

  5. NO...never click on a pop-up message Try a online virus scan here are some address to try after wards get some protection is offering a complete security suite free and yes they can be trusted if you want to do it yourself I recommend along with search&destory) or SpywareBlaster from or is another good one to consider althrough the last two don't offer free protection some even recommend two anti-spyware scanners just to be on the safe side the other bit of advice i have to offer is external firewalls they hardwire to the machine with usb or firewire hook up now thats cutting edge tech.Remember paid is usally better that free however since kind offer that may not be the case anymore

  6. i had a fake anti-virus thing pop up on my screen saying i was affected when i really wasn't.. when i did what it said for me to do then i got affected... look on you anti-virus and do a computer scan.. if it tells you there's something on there then just click the thing that says fix it or something.. click the x box on the skype pop-up and go straight to your anti-virus right now

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