
I just received a nasty and rude email from someone. What do I say or do?

by Guest67174  |  earlier

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OK so I was going to sell my spare laptop. The person who contacted me, saw my ad on Craigslist and took interest in it so he emailed me for price and everything. Anyway, we talk and everything is going fine. We set it up so he would come get the computer tonight. By the way, the person who emailed me was a 16 year old boy and supposedly had his fathers permission. Anyway everything is great until last night. I first ask him to change the time because the time we set up wouldn't work for me. He emails me and is like "Oh NO! Because I asked my dad to get off work early and he almost got fired and you can't do that!" So I thought Hmm..So I email back and was like "Ok fine whatever."

And then, my main computer last night, got a virus and stopped working. I emailed the kid saying I could no longer sell my spare laptop to him because my main computer stopped working. Then I said that I apologize to him for any inconvenience. (Please note, this was LAST NIGHT, not like it was this morning and they were on there way over here to come and get it.)So the kid emails me back and is like "No Fu(k you! You can't do that to me I need it for school, blah blah blah" and Just is being really nasty. So then I write back to him, Look I'm sorry but the deal is off, It just won't work out. Try eBay or something."

So the brat emails me back now, "Oh well you know what?We had a deal! And you fu(ked it up! You fu(ked! Thanks alot!"

After reading his last email, I deleted all my messages. I am appaled that he would act like that. I thought of writing something nasty back but I didn't.

I currently want to leave it alone but I feel like I will be recieveing more mail from him.

What can I do?

I'm 22. I thought I handled it pretty well, Like I couldn't sell my laptop anymore, I needed it. And anyways, Its mine!

The little brat that keeps emailing me is 16.

I am absolutely appalled. What do you think of this? Do you have any advice? What should I do?

Also, my main computer is up and working again, So I re-listed my laptop on Craigslist but Used a different email. The kid already emailed me for a price and everything. So should I make the deal with him now and not let him know that the first time It was me he was talking to? I don't know. I feel like I should just not email him back with any information on it and just absolutely avoid him.

What do you all think of the situation?





  1. you can:

    *sell it on ebay/amazon

    *make the deal but ask his father to speak with you and make a time that you can give him the laptop at

    *keep it just in case

    *if he emails you with such comments block him or put one of his emails in the spam folder all the others will follow

  2. Ignore him!  Just like internet trolls, if you feed them, they wont go away, don't give him any ammunition..

    If you are going to reveal who you are, make sure he knows why you're not selling it to him! had he not acted like a little punk, you would have called him back and offered to sell the computer.

    You don't get your way in the real world by throwing tantrums, swearing and calling names... And he needs to realize this..

  3. I think you should just ignore his e-mails. delete them all when u get them dont even bother reading them! your 22 and hes 16 you shouldnt stoop to his low level of immaturity!!! You weren't in the wrong whatsoever. It is your laptop and its not like he payed you and you refused to give him his money or the well hope i helped! i wouldnt stress it anymore if i were you!

    p.s. best of luck selling it!!!

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