
I just received my AP European History exam grade, and got a 3. How is a 3 on an AP Exam?

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Is there any chance of getting college credit with a 3 on an AP Exam ?




  1. 3 is technically a passing grade and is accepted by some colleges for credit. Others only take 4 and 5's. I would check the university's website ur planning on going should tell you what they accept for AP credit.

    Yay! I've been waiting for my scores too! looks like they're finally getting around!

  2. A 3 is the minimum passing grade, and a few non-selective colleges will give credit for it, but very few schools identified as selective will.  Sorry.

  3. it all depends on the college you are planning to go to....public universties usually take a 3 but top universities only take 4s and 5s ...check out the collegeboard website

  4. I also got a 3 on the ap euro history exam, but the public university i attend only accepts a 4 or 5 for credit. Generally speaking, a three isn't bad; my 3 on the bio exam subbed for bio 101 and 102. It's relative, really. Different schools take different grades for different exams. If you already have a college in mind you may want to view the list of grades they accept; you can usually find a link on a school's admissions page.

  5. you may get credit at certain schools, but in my opinion a 3 is great. I didn't pass that test unfortunately! I'm really happy for you, even if you don't get credit great job, a 3 is really great and shows colleges that you know the material. Even if you don't get college credit, you may be placed in a higher level when you get to college, and it will definitely help with getting into schools! best of luck

  6. I know that schools like the Ivy Leagues, UCLA, USC, and other prestigious universities now only accept a 4 or 5.

    Many state schools still probably offer credit for a 3 though. Depending on the college, you could still get some units, but you would have to ask and make sure.

    I actually failed the AP Euro Exam in 10th grade (I guess that was a waste of $83.00). I got a 3 on my AP English Language Exam this year--- I hope that counts for something!

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