
I just received news that my grandmother is dying, and am planning to go to Lebanon next week to see her for?

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the last time.

I was wondering what the current conditions in Lebanon are; would it be best not to take my infant children with me?

I know things have calmed down, but would it still be risky?

[My family lives near Ain-Ebel a couple miles away from the Israeli boarder, but the conditions in the town are stable; for now. Seeing her for the last time would be very special to me, and I feel like I need to go, but I don't want to put my own family in harms way.]

Shukran jazillan!




  1. Sorry knowing that.....I think grannies are a part important in our lives.

    Yes.....i think you have to go...if you dont do it, you'll regret it for the rest of ur life. I see that u have had a special relationship with your granny, then is important for you.....and for her if she still has her mind clear, see you

    Lebanon is calm now, and i think it will be like that for some time....i wish it stay like that for long, long time.

    Even.........I think that you can take ur children with you if you safe now.

    I wish u can be with her for some time.


  2. i think it is much safer this summer than it would have been last or even two summers ago.... i want to go to lebanon so badly!!! but no i dont think israel will make another (stupid) attempt at invading lebanon

  3. Sorry to hear about your Grandmother.  

    I don't know what Lebanon is like these days.  I'm taking my 19 month old son to Africa (Ghana) with me in August, though, and I'm sure he'll be fine.  

    It might cheer your Grandmother to see the children.  

    But if you think it might be easier for you to travel without them, and you have someone you trust to watch them, then you could leave them here.

    It's really up to you.  If you do take them, I'm sure they'll be fine.

  4. Sorry to hear about your granny ...I never met either of mine but know how much our grandchildren love my wife so I can appreciate your feelings ...

    It's always difficult travelling with small children so depending how far you have to travel & how long you will be away I would pehaps reconsider taking them  but  as far as you are concerned , go or you will regret it the rest of your life.

  5. I am very, very sorry about your grandmother. Grandmothers are hard to lose. The news would have you believe the worst is happening any where in the world. You need someone who knows for real how safe or unsafe it is. You can't trust the news on any of this. Please be safe.

  6. i know someone from Ain-ebel :D anyways yes its safe, dont worry and its not that risky to go it will be fine i say just go see ur grandmother, good luck and i hope she feels better and it wont really be the last time u see her i'll be prayin for yall

  7. sorry to hear that

    but it is stabl ein lebanon do not worry and make sure that there is someone you know ith you always

    its better

  8. it's safer than you'd think. i go the middle east almost every summer and it's not what you'd expect. i like the middle east. call me crazy, but sometimes i feel like it's safer on the streets there than it is here. i walk around alone at 1 am and i dont get scared. but, i cant's say i've been in that area of lebanon. call some family; ask them how it is. but i'm thinking it'll be safe.

    i'm sorry about your grandmother.

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