
I just recently had an ultrasound. I asked if I was having a boy or girl, and he said "I can't say that."?

by  |  earlier

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why do you think he said that? I thought they could tell what you're having.

He said that I am 21 weeks and 3 days, so, when is my due date?




  1. go to google, you can find out your due date. Maybe at this ultrasound it was too early to know the s*x

  2. At my hospital they wont tell you the s*x. It says right on the appointment letter not to ask. My bf asked anyway, and the tech completely ignored his question!! She said "Is there anything else you'd like to see, or know?" and he said "The gender :)" and she just moved on to the next thing like he hadnt even said a word!!

  3. He may not be allowed by his employer.  The employer might fear being sued if he makes a wrong call.  Some people will sue for anything.

    Or the baby may not be in a position so that he could see.  If the baby isn't facing the right direction, it's hard to tell, I'm told.  Or maybe there are no external s*x organs visible at this stage of development.

  4. I live in Nova Scotia, and unfortunately they're absolutely not allowed to tell you the s*x!!! It really sucks, and I had to go all the way to Halifax to get UC baby done. google uc baby they have centers all over. It's kind of pricy to find out, but very much so worth it, and you get 3d pictures and everything, since the hospital won't even give you pictures!!

  5. I had an ultrasound done by a nurse when I was sent to the ER from an accident. I was 19 weeks, and I was due to have an ultrasound later the next week to find gender. I asked her if she could tell me the s*x so I would know early. She said the same thing yours said. I asked her why, and she said it was cause she was not trained to look at things like that. She said she could not even see how far along I was. I had to tell her. She was just told to look to make sure the baby appeared alright/ moving. She said all she knew was the head, the cord, and the legs/ arms.

    Maybe yours was not trained to do that either. Just to make sure things were fine.

    I hope that you get your due date soon, and good luck with your bundle of joy.

  6. Id say the middle of January should be your due date. 40 weeks is what the doctor goes by- and why they didn't tell you if your having a boy or a girl I don't know. I found out the s*x at exactly 21 weeks. If maybe her / his legs weren't open then thats different- he should of said something. Hope u figure that out.

  7. The baby was probably in the wrong position. He didn't want to tell you the wrong s*x.

  8. Wow, I can't believe it's so common for the techs not to tell you and defer to the doctor to tell you. When I had my children the tech would tell you on the spot, always saying they can't make any guarantees to avoid any backlash should they be wrong. But with my sons the tech easily pointed out the genitalia and told me what we were looking at.  

  9. If you don't know your due date and you're that far along, I would be looking into getting another OB/GYN. You can tell from ultrasound at about 20 weeks what gender you're having, but if the baby is laying in certain positions, it's hard for a doctor to tell.

  10. The ultrasound tech generally does not or cannot tell you. Meaning they know, but aren't supposed to say.   Your doctor can, so let him  her know that you want to know.  

  11. if your dr. wouldn't give a reason for not telling you the s*x of your child or your due date it's time to find a new one!

  12. I was told at the ultrasound for my second child that if I had wanted to know the s*x they wouldn't have been able to tell me because of where the baby was.  With my sister-in-law the baby had her legs closed, so they couldn't tell.  Sometimes they can tell, sometimes they can't, it doesn't mean you're having a hermaphrodite.

  13. Sometimes if the ultrasound tech is not a doctor they can not tell you anything. When I get an ultrasound done at the hospital they can't even tell me if everything is "normal." They can be sued if wrong. Call you OBGYN on Tuesday and ask him what he found on your ultrasound. He should be able to tell you the s*x.  Also he will be able to tell you your  due date.

  14. I'm 21 weeks and 4 days according to my LMP and I'm due January 6th, so somewhere around there.  I never go by what the ultrasound says in terms of dating.  Babies can grow big or small and they'll give you new dates based on that - it's rediculous.  As for the tech not telling you, well that's just rude.  Perhaps they had gotten in trouble many times before for being wrong and people coming in and complaining that they were given the wrong s*x.  Perhaps they were new yet and didn't feel comfortable saying.  Who knows.  But it's something to bring up to your doctor at your next visit.

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