
I just recently started running, and I seem to have hurt my left ankle

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The pain is mostly in the protuding ankle bone, sometimes stretching across the top of my foot where it meets the ankle. I just got new jogging shoes, so could it be a result of my old, cushionless shoes? Or is is possible I've pulled something or have a stress fracture? Sometimes it will go away when I'm walking, but then will kinda throb afterwards. I had to quit running after two miles the other day because it hurt too badly. Should i just try not to run for a few days?




  1. Leave it to rest for a couple of days. In order to prevent it happening in the future, do some immobilisation exercises, as well as stretches. You work from the lower body, up. Do a littlle run and stop when you feel an increased pulse. Then do some stretching. Start with you "gastrocnemius". This is the muscle behind your knee. Straighten you leg until you feel a slight "pulling" sensation- DON'T over do it. Then do your "quadraceps" (thigh muscle) by holding a leg up (so it's folded) and lean slightly foward. To avoid losing your balance, try focusing on something. Then do your "obliques" (three flat muscles- abdomen), by just leaning to the side. You can do your biceps and triceps as well, but it isn't particularly relevant for running. For immobilisations (which is always after stretches) just rotate each of your joint in each direction for ten second. Hope this helps!! :D

  2. You probably just sprained it. If it continues to hurt then I suggest you call your doctor.

  3. Definately stop running for a week or so.  If you continue, it could make the injury worse.  Take it easy & let it heal then you can start again.  If you must get cardio, do some thing like cycling or swimming to avoid the impact on your ankle.

  4. You should check with your doctor but are you taking any viatmins such as calcium or glucosamine for your joints. When you are working out you need extra nutritionals. Go to there they have the vitamins the people in the oylimics are taking they are they best out there. You know how hard those athletics train and it helps that they take there vitamins. Those athletics cant take other brands like centruim or kirkland so if you take usans you know you are taking the best thing out there. When you go to take the health assesment to know what you should be taking.

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