
I just recently went vegetarian and I was wondering was the rules were for eggs. Also, any1 kno any veg. webs?

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Vegetarian websits meaning, chat with other vegs, ask questions, etc.




  1. Eggs are chicken babies. I would eat them, but you probably don't want to.

  2. It depends on what kind of vegetarian you want to be.  

        Are you just avoiding meat and meat products?  Then you might want to say you are a lacto-ovum vegetarian---this means that you will eat eggs and cheese.   Some people do not want to consume any animal product, so they are considered "vegans."    Vegans have to be more aware of how to get complete proteins in their is a bit more difficult to accomplish-but lots of people do...its just is a bit more work to do than lacto-ovum vegetarians!

        Good luck with your research...

  3. If you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian (no meat but consume dairy and eggs) or an ovo-vegetarian (no meat and dairy but consume eggs), then eggs are all right to eat.

    I would recommend this website,, as a catch-all reference.  It compiles links to all websites useful for vegetarians, and I have found it really useful when I was just starting out.

  4. Most vegetarians eat eggs.  My advice would be to do some reading and make your own decision.

    Good websites:

  5. Eggs are perfectly acceptable for vegetarians to eat - it is only vegans who cannot eat them.

    Link below to vegetarian recipe site:

  6. eggs are a complete protien and have not been fertialized

    even if they had as long as the embero has not formed they are ok

    the best way is to eat the protein in food though because you need only 2 - 3 eggs per weak if not getting a complete protien.

    beans + grains

    pinto beans + rice one example

    grains + seeds

    seed or nuts + beans


    or soy grumbles

    1 cup bulgar wheat or soy grits

    1/2 cup walnuts or cashews

    1/2 tsp salt

    mix the all but first ingredent and puree till smooth

    add bulgar or soy grits to pan and bring to a boil

    stir often and cook 20 min

    remove from heat and put on a cookie sheet

    bake 200 degrees 4 - 5 hours and stir ever half hour to remove moisture

    cool and freeze till ready ready to use

    remove and use like hamburger but you have already cooked it and it is not meat with potential for germs

    rehydrate with tomato sauce and use for sloppy joes, lazagna filling instead of meat or in your spegetti sauce 100+ ways to use it.

  7. If you are an ovo- lacto vegetarian that means that you don't eat meat, but you do eat eggs and dairy. is a good site for recipes and yahoo answers in the vegetarian and vegan section is a good place to talk to other vegetarians and vegans and ask questions.

  8. The majority of Westerners who identify themselves as vegetarian are lacto-ovo-vegetarians, meaning they eat dairy foods (lacto-) and eggs (ovo-).  

    Eggs are not baby chickens; the ones you buy in the stores are unfertilized, just a single large cell.  There are significant reasons why one might choose not to eat eggs (the treatment of laying hens,) but the idea that they would become a chick if you didn't eat them isn't one of them.

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