
I just relized how angry I am?

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I just relized how much I hate my life and how angry I am.

I was thinking about why Im mean to people

and why Im so judgemental. And I relized Its because I dont like my self.

And I thought about why I dont like my self and its because

my father was never around and he always told me i was ugly

and that i was a mistake and that he doesnt want a daughter

and other really mean hurtful stuff.

My mom is an acoholic and she doesnt relize how much it effects me.

So now I take out my anger on other people by telling them their fat or ugly.

And im anorexic/bulimic.

I wish i wasnt like this but i dont know what to do or how to fix it.




  1. Agree with rohak. You've just done one of the most difficult parts in acknowledging you have a problem. This is a great step forward in the right direction. Now you need to go about tackling these issues, which is something you should do under the correct guidance. I would strongly advise you to go and see the school councillor, or another health care professional.

    If that seems too daunting for you, try and find some assistance online. I know in Australia we run an online councilling service called Kids Help Line...perhaps they have something similar where you're from.

    You can make a change for the better. It will be hard work, but you can do it. Good luck.  

  2. You're already on the right track. You've realized the source of your hostility, now it's time to start changing it. It's not easy, but you know that you'll like yourself, and others, much better after.

    Good luck.

  3. aww sweet heart, don't you worry.

    First of all, the best thing you can do is NOT Listen to other people. its hard, i know. But honestly, concentrate on what your good at, and your good features. IS your hair perfectly easy to take care of? Do you have a pretty color of lips? And you were mean in your past. SO WHAT? Learn from your mistakes, now, you must be giving and positive, be the nicest person ever and people will love you. The most inspirational people in life aren't the people who start out good and stay good, they are instead the people who start out terrible and become wonderful. Another thing, be healthy. Instead of thinking, 'be super skinny' think, be healthy, be wholesome, be happy. Eat fruits and veggies. Organic is the best. Work hard, whether your still in school or in work. You may get  a raise or some unexpected pleasant suprises. Easier said then done, right? I know its terribley hard. But i have made this change. I used to be overweight. I used to be mean to other people, but i have changed my ways completley. I am healthy, now. I do ballet and love it. Find your passion and go for a day spa to relax you.

    I know for a fact you can change. It was smart of you to ask this question.

    Remember this: The prettiest girl in the room isnt the girl with the fairest face or the thinnist waist, its the girl who beams with self confidence.

    Also, the best way to get happiness and love is to give it. Donate old clothes to good will. Help at a homless shelter. Be kind to someone who is crying. Do good deeds. One of the reasons I feel happy right now is because i am helping you. ( =

    please take my advice. you can change!

    email me any time at

    Good Luck and have a fabulous day!  

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