
I just replaced my ancient tv with a 37 inch LCD & the picture can look quite pixelated at times.?

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Is this something you get used to or should i just get a smaller tv?




  1. Broadcasters like to squeeze in as many channels as possible, so picture quality is compromised. Fast moving complex scenes need more space than the broadcasters allow. If you have a bigger and better tv you'll notice it more.

  2. That's the big difference between digital and analogue.

    HDTVs have very low resolution pixels. 1 pix = 1 colour, pre digital Tv uses unlimited numbers of colours. The contrast is less bright, but DVD looks perfect. Now with HD

    1080p is the best, it is only one thousand and eighty pixels that's all. Hence they look blocky, poor show even  on blu-ray.

    To compensate - drink two or three beers and move further away :)

    I discovered the same when i bought an lcd hdtv.

  3. hi the reason for the pixilation is becasue you are not using  the HD input and signal.   You have a connector on the back which is speciffically for HD input.  Without the HD signal you are only going to get lower standard froman analog and standard digital input.  If you have Direct tv or cable get intouch with them and change to HD. They will send you the  box and cables and you will see a great improvement in your picture.....  

    It not the size of the screen its your input..  ( I am awaiing permission from she who should be obeyed to upgrade to HD satelitte so we get better pictures.///

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