
I just saw Pineaple express, who else thought it was the funniest they have seen on a long time.?

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I do.




  1. i havent seen it but i want to see it it looks soooo funny and i think that seth in the movie is sooo cute  

  2. i loved that movie is was so funny

  3. Yep.

    It was just so ridiculously stupid that it was hilarious.

  4. i thought it was really funny, the best i have seen in a long time

  5. idk

  6. def liked it but i laughed more durin step brotherz

  7. Yeah i just recently saw this and it was hilarious but not the funniest I've seen. Funny though  

  8. aw I wanted to see it. I was wondering if it was really funny or not thanks. :p

  9. I haven't seen it yet! I hope I get too, it looks really funny.

  10. SPOILERS FOLLOW. It started off so well. James and Seth were hilarious (my thumb looks like my c***, I was screaming with laughter in cinema, VERY embarassing). but then its like they got bored halfway through and just decided to blow everything up! And the end was just c**p. Wasn't even funny after the half way mark.

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