
I just saw a question about what came first the chicken or the egg, that got me thinking what came first?

by Guest67045  |  earlier

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God or the universe, now if you answer god then where did he come from something must of created him.




  1. It seems there has been a breakthrough this week in the investigations relating to 'Dark Matter': this is news from NewYork! Some collision light years away from us, has been detected, and the big bang may lend to some more studies and derivations soon! The heritage literature in India says Brahma wanted to find the answer to the question and climbed down the stem of the lotus on which He was seated (on the belly of SriNarayana, a concept), and kept descending down, down, down......And, the Indian humourist, Sardarji says, between chicken and egg, whichever you ordered first will come first!  

  2. The chicken came first. god was first. he has no beginning and no end. NOBODY created God.  

  3. I also read the same question but with a answer in a popular magazine.....who comes first...Egg or Chicken.

    "The one which is ordered first...comes first"

  4. ah this questions really get you thinking :)

    umm well, id say that the egg was like a rock or metorite wich hatched, and reproduced? XD

    about the god one, well that again depends on religion, im atheist so i beleive that there was no god, and just again a metorite landed

    or the theory about the big bang where particals got mixed together acidently creating life :):)

    doubt this is what you was looking for but oh well :)


  5. Depends on how you think of it... it could be the egg because when chickens evolved into chickens there was the first egg that contained the chicken, but it could be the chicken in the egg laying an egg so the chicken could be first..... maybe it is just that a circle has no beginning.

  6. the chicken came first

  7. What came first - God or the Universe?  (why did everyone answer the chicken/egg question - that's not what's being asked here!)

    I see the problem - if God created the Universe, where did he exist before that?  Does God live in the Universe, or does he commute from somewhere else?  Did he create the Universe just to "set it all in motion", or does he take an active role in the day-to-day working of it all?

    And if the Universe came first, and God is a part of the Universe, then who created God?

    You're making atheism look more and more sensible here, I'll give you that.  I'm at least an agnostic - there may be a higher power running the universe, but I think that it's vastly beyond our human comprehension.

  8. That's one of those questions that no one can ever know the answer to.

    A similar question would be: Where did the matter to form the Big Bang come from?

  9. Universe came first.god came much later when we created HIM.

    Chicken or egg?-chicken first cos as parents the 1st pair of chickens had to decide if they wanted to procreate the egg way or mammal way.

    So I think the momma chicken thought that instead of carrying around the  baby she should park them somewhere safe while she looks for food..

    So where did the first chickens came from?-From space where some scientists think life started.. think the DNA came with all the other stuff that crashed on earth.. Possibly though  some DNA were home grown here...

  10. I don't understand why you would want this discussion since you are an atheist?  Are you doubting your unbeliefs?

    The Bible clearly states that God is eternal, always was and always will be.  Just because we can not comprehend that doesn't change it.

    God created the universe and did a great job!  No explosion would create such a well designed system, have you ever seen any harmony at a bomb site?

  11. the egg came first...when god created humans and the animals in the world god creater them in the 'adult' form. Just the same as human , adam and eve is in the 'adult ' form when they were created and thus the same as the animals in the garden of something...srry i forgot the name haha

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