
I just saw a report from a Fox news anchor?

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trying to interview protesters at the democrat convention center...I couldn't understand a thing they said because every other word had to be "bleeped" this the type of behavior that the all loving, tolerant, inclusive, for the little guy (unless you're an unborn fetus) freedom of speech loving lib should demonstrate??




  1. Well, the police are under orders to not take in all the pot smokes since it is a tradition at the conventions to well get a little illegal. The  oddest thing is that democrats don't understand why so many people won't agree with them or even "have a change of heart" and become democrats. Well your representatives outside that convention is one of the many reasons.

  2. They just got angry at seeing Fox News, as any normal, intelligent person would. Fox doesn't report news. Fox is a conservative propaganda machine distorting whatever facts they feel they need to in order to propagate right-wing conservative talking points.

    I don't like to be fed fake news, so I do not watch Fox.

  3. Yes.  It must have been one of those over educated Obama supporters.

  4. It's their "education" that helps them stand out.

  5. fox news sucks! i really hate this channel!

  6. Those protesters don't like Obama either.

    Nutcases on the far left and on the far right hate Obama, which makes my support for him grow even stronger.

  7. I have to support the supposition that if they are protesting at the Democratic convention they aren't liberals

    Be kind of stupid bet they're from the young republican caucus

  8. Rush said it best.  To be a liberal means you have to constantly be angry and miserable with the country in its current state.

    (Not liberal or socialist enough)

    Theyre not going to be happy until we have a 50% tax rate on the middle class, no private ownership of guns, virtually no military, industry brutalized with carbon taxes and whatever else they can think of, nationalized wait-in-line health care, plentiful braindead welfare, wide open borders, elimination of resistance to communist countries, and are apologizing on our knees at the UN for every war we've ever gotten involved in.

    Until such time, we're going to see plenty of immature rants from the left at their conventions, online, and in campaign speeches.

  9. You believe anything Faux news puts out and I've got a nice seaside condo in Phoenix, Arizona to sell you!

  10. Wow, you admit to watching Fox news?

  11. Yes, He had to retreat to avoid injury twice. that angry crowd hated Fox news and who knows what else also. I could tell what they were chanting at one point but will not repeat it here. Ugly stuff.

  12. Yea, I saw it too.  The protesters told FOX NEWS to take a hike as well.   Funny how you FAILED to mentioned that tid-bit.

  13. Bring on the riots!

  14. I guess we now know why they put together that make-shift jail over there.... The freaks are all coming out of the wood-work.

  15. BAck in the 60's when we had the weather underground, the black panthers, the SDS etc.etc. they actually hired people to do these kind of things, to create tension, and to insight riots, I had a friend who was in DC at the time, and men and women approached her with these kind of questions. So I see not much has changed, same ole rotten libs, tryin to insight trouble, will it ever stop. will they ever grow up, will they ever become Americans, in America!!!

  16. probably ,,,, Biden is going to do Obamas dirty work on McCain!!!!

  17. if they were liberals why would they be protesting outside the democratic convention? wouldn't they be in Minneapolis protesting the RNC?

  18. These Demon Straters are full of Colorado Kool aide and pure BS

    most of these HIPPIES don't know they never had it so good

    we ought to round them all up and just draft them into the

    military and have them serve in Iraq..or Afghanistan as peace

    keepers..since they have so much energy to burn off

  19. Ironic... you're completely right.

  20. Wait.... they were interviewing protestors and the protestors were cursing? Soooo they are not supporters of democrats.. so they are not necessarily liberal.

    Maybe I don't know what you are saying, or maybe you don't know what you are saying, but it seems as if you are blaming liberals for no reason.

  21. I saw it too. That is the typical democrat for you. Very disgusting, Tolerance? Not so much, that is clear.  

  22. oh yes, those darn lovable, tree hugging liberals.  

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