
I just saw a <span title="ufo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">ufo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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this thing the sky with orange-green lights going back and forth. Then it declines like 1000ft and inclines like over 30000ft and its still hovering around its been like 30mins just keeps going back and forth. stuff is in alberta




  1. good job man i believe you. no joke

  2. It&#039;s really hard to judge distances to something in the sky, as you have nothing to compare it too.  I think you didn&#039;t have much to go by for those altitude measurements.  Sounds like a plane to me.

  3.   To see it at 30,000 ft it must have been a big UFO.

  4. So instead of getting a camera and recording the event, or calling the TV news and have them film it, or call a cop as a sort of credible witness; you go on to Yahoo answers and tell us?

  5. That&#039;s pretty sweet!

  6. And I just saw green men flying space ships in the sky!

  7. Sure it was a UFO, otherwise you would have identified it.

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