
I just saw a tv commercial on a local station about water conservation. do you think this sounds dumb?

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they suggested that people stop washing their dogs in order to save water.




  1. ill tell you what. you get all the people where you live to stop using a lot of water and see what happens. the water company will complain that they aren't making enough money from the water bills and they will ask to raise the water bills. this has happened in other locations allready. same with electricty, you get enough people to cut back on it, and they will also ask to raise their rates so they can continue to pay their stockholders profits.

  2. Who ever came up with that is a cat lover i guess or no pets at all.Depending on the size of your dog he /she could be bathed in the bathtub as opposed to running water out side with garden hose.(next they will want us to stick them in the dishwasher with the days dirty dishes) makes as much sense!!!lol

  3. It's not a crazy idea. Dogs really could go without baths and they'd be just fine. Only when they are domesticated is when we start to care if they're pristinely clean.

    If you still want to wash your dog, use the leftover water from your shower. Simply place a bucket in the shower to catch all the excess water that comes down when you're not really doing much. That way, no water was really wasted, its just reused.

  4. Definately NOT stupid.

  5. i wouldn't say stop washin the dogs but ya definetly i would say we in conserve water in many other ways

  6. I asked a bunch of dogs if they wanted a bath. They said Woooofff, Woooooff, Wooooff.  So it looks like they  don't care.

    People don't care about water conservation until it affects them personally.  In the mid to late 1970's there was a serious drought in Northern California and there was a slogan.  

    "If its yellow, its mellow.  If its brown, flush it down".

    That was personal.

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