
I just saw a weird movie where the person bought real blood on line, is there a real site, like that anywhere?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curious........




  1. Maybe a foreign country, but where it comes from, you don't want to know, probably from kidnapped innocents :o.

  2. I hope not

  3. Its just a movie, i doubt anywhere would sell blood unless its for health reasons and anyways the government would probably not allow it for safety reasons, like if the blood was infected.

  4. Probably.

    Theres a lot of sickos out there.

  5. use your search engine, yahoo it, i hate google

  6. i have never seen like that and i dont want to.

    but, wouldnt it be illegal if such were?

  7. Let's really get to the crux of it all here.

    Perhaps you can buy blood online through some shady organization on the black market, but you most certainly ought not to as it very likely will not come from the U.S. or any place that has any appreciable screening practices.

    Unless it is screened rigorously (and sometimes even if it is), meaning multiple times, for various strains of HIV, Hepatitis, and various other things which are blood born, it should, for all practical purposes, be considered a biohazard. It is not something to fool around with!

    That being said, should you ever find yourself seriously, and honestly in need of blood, your local emergency room would be happy to accomodate you, pending available supply.

  8. Places like Red Cross or blood banks sell blood but I'm pretty sure that they only sell to doctors and hospitals.  If you were really that curious you could always do a little research on the Internet.

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