
I just saw an article on line about Bush being impeached?

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Is this true? Am I getting my hopes up too high? Has anyone else seen this article?




  1. I haven't seen the article, but I am assuming it is in reference to Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) entering articles of impeachment the other day in the House of Rep.  He entered similar articels against VP Cheney last year.  The results of his impeachment against Bush will probably go just as far - which is to say nowhere.  The articles against Cheney are still stuck (unaddressed) in the House Judiciary Cmte. and will probably soon be joined by his articles against Bush to die a slow death (unfortunately)

  2. the dwarf with the hot wife who ran is putting up a bill; nobody in Congress is going to let it go anywhere.

  3. Where did you see the article?

    And was it really an article, or just a blog/blurb?

    You should take those things into consideration. I haven't seen it on any of the mainstream news sites, so it's probably just a rumor.

  4. It's only Kucinich's thing, who everybody pretty much ignores.

  5. your hopes are high. he is not being impeached. as far as this country is concerned he is not guilty of any crime...and that's a crime!

  6. The articles of impeachment have been read.  that is only the FIRST step in many steps needed.  This action is too late to have a chance of passing.  So just sit back and enjoy what junior bush has been doing to you and the country for the past 7+ years.

  7. Where is the article?  DOnt know if it is true to we read it.

    Does it actually mention any crimes that GWB committed?

    The REPUBICANS put it up for a vote awhile back and the DEMS voted it down.  Doesnt sound like they are all too excited about trying to impeach.

  8. I saw it too...Its on yahoos home page on the bottome right!!! I dont know I think its weird...

  9. you probley got it from, demcorats are so stupid.

  10. I heard talk about this on the news a long time ago but I have not heard anything recent.  I think if it was really happening it would be bigger news.  I think the nations attention has turned to choosing a new President.

  11. yes you are getting your hopes up for nothing.  this is called by some people here the bush derangement syndrome.  the FACTS ARE....


    when no impeachable crimes or behaviors exist, no impeachment will be done.  since nothing has occurred, nothing willl be done.

    GET OVER IT.....OK?

    again, to answer your question and avoid the trolls, kuchinich is pushing an agenda with the article you speak of  that will ultimately end up and BELINGS in the circular file.  nothing will or should happen.

  12. Don't up your hopes anymore....


    House waves off impeachment measure against Bush.


    Even John Conyers won't help Kuscinich anymore.

  13. No, he's not getting impeached at the present time. A Congressman has introduced a bill asking that he be impeached, but it almost certainly won't go through.

    Personally, that's fine with me. I think the Bush administration has behaved pretty outrageously, but they'll be out of office in just a few months and the last thing we need is a huge, divisive impeachment trial going on while the candidates are running for the general election. I think that would actually hurt the Democratic candidate.

  14. yes he's been the worst president ever

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