
I just saw this really really hot girl at the supermarket and she was with this really really ugly guy?

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Whats all that about?




  1. it could be her brother, her friend or her cousin doesn't necessarily mean its her boyfriend..and if it was than that is normal guys tend to be more superficial when it comes to looks than girls are ( thats because we are more emotional) ...but you have to consider other factors such as his bank account or maybe she is from another country and is trynna get a green card lol

  2. Im a 30 year old 400 pound white man in college and flat broke. Yet I have a very s**y mixed GF. Now I am not hung like a horse more like a mouse. We love each other shes 22 and we get stares all the time. And why you ask? one she is not shallow. two, most big men are not wife beaters and we dont take our gfs around and show them off like a prize. Besides why would she want a row boat when she could have a love boat.

  3. Huh? lets try this...maybe she isn't shallow.  People always stare at me and my man when we are out together.  One guy actually had the nerve to come up and ask "how did you get a hottie like her?" I looked at that man and said "because he isn't a _______ like you" Relationships are about so much more than what a person looks like.  Unless of course you are shallow then you will be miserable while others who are a little deeper will be happy with the person they are with because it is about more than the way they look.  I hope you can see that.  A realationship can't be based on what someone looks like because that is the most inconsequential part of who they are.  I say good for that girl for being with someone who she loves despite what he looks like.  Or maybe she is with him because of what he looks like.  Maybe she thinks that he is hot in his own way.  You need to get over the looks thing.  People who are all about that are the reason that people are so obsessed with how they look and that is really a sad way to go through life!

  4. I've seen it recently.. a gorgeous 20-something tanned girl with a fat, bald middle-aged man.

    I mean I know it's not ALL about looks, but come ON....

  5. there is an old Chinese proverb.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    This girl may see beyond this guy's exterior. Or what you see she may see different.

    Everyone has different tastes.

  6. maybe it's LOVE???

    Maybe it's money

    maybe it's attraction

    who is to be the judge of who one should find attractive

    just because you or me or whomeever don't think this guy is ugly maybe she sees something we dont!

    chances are he is a sweet guy who makes her feel loved!  and if that's the case then so be it!

    HOWEVER looks do matter but again that's judged by the eyes of the human not the world!

  7. called money

  8. he probably treats her well.  some really really hot guys know they're really really hot, and bring too much arrogance to the game.

  9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Or he is rich.

  10. Charm. If a guy has charm, honestly, looks don't matter. Also, sometimes hot chicks are attracted to ugly guys because they feel like they can then 'control' the relationship.

  11. Cause she could wear trackies and no make up but she would still be beautiful to him... and he will never upstage her... and she doesn't have to worry about other women checking him out

  12. He's crafty and she doesn't know that she can get better. or maybe they're just soul-mates?

  13. A lot of superficial men are cheats. I hate to say it but I work in an industry where I see it. I'm sure she dated her share of men like that and finally picked someone without such a giant ego. Or it could have been her brother or cousin or co-worker or neighbor.

  14. Don't be so cynical, he was prob a really nice guy....... or great in bed

  15. Not all girls follow the modern trend of big buff guys with hair you know..

    Either that, or that dude has mad game.

  16. A 14" trouser snake!!

  17. Beauty is  only skin deep. It's what's underneath that counts. Who wants someone beautiful/handsome who is an absolute rotter???

  18. Girls (unlike guys) are with somebody because they have a nice personality and treat them right - not how they look.

  19. i don't know. maybe they want ugly children...

    o ye maybe she aint shallow. but loves money..

  20. It's called personality.

    The girl is obviously not shallow enough to go for a bloke just because of looks.

  21. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Some of us are not that shallow that we need a hot looking man. We see beyond the looks into the personality and kindness of a man.

    I have had both hot looking and not so hot. My g/f thinks I am nuts with how I choose men. I prefer the company of someone with a great personality over great looks any day! Beauty is only skin deep........then what?

  22. She's not shallow like the majority of people are.  Looks aren't everything.

  23. He either has personality, a lot of money, or a big @&%#!!!!! Or all of that.

  24. Who knows what their relationship is...they could be related or friends.

    MelissaB, VERY classy.

  25. One finds that it is the most shallow of personalities that fail to look beyond the skin.

  26. Its about him being with her and you asking why!

    Beauty is only skin deep to coin a phrase.

  27. Yep, he's got money and lots of it.  Geeks rule!


  29. He probably has a good personality. People with good personalities are beautiful.

  30. could be his 3 foot s*****g :)

  31. Why are you worried about who she is with?

    It's none of your------- business who she is with  or who he is with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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