
I just scored a horrible 470 on my GMAT - embarrassed of course but need some advice...

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So I was an honors student in high school (particularly in math), an honors student in college, and then I just finished up my job as a math teacher (who got all my 5th grade students at a 2nd grade math level to a 5th grade math level) now looking to pursue my MBA... I took the test today and earned a whopping 470. Obviously I am embarrassed but because I am proactive in my approach (but more sad and embarrassedd), I want to know what to do.

1. Should I go ahead and apply to schools for the fall that I wanted to? None of them are Harvard or anything but they aren't University of Phoenix.

2. I did all the study aids etc... Should I retake the exam or give up on it? (I say this b/c I have never been strong at these tests like the SAT's etc...)

3. I refuse to call myself a dummy because I have a great resume, good GPA (3.95) from my masters program that I already have... but just concerned about what I should do now. Business is the field I want to go in and I refuse to think I can't enter it based on my "credit score" here.

Proactive advice would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for listening!




  1. You need to see if the score is in range for the schools you want to apply to. If you're well below average, don't apply. The GMAT is a good indicator of how you'll handle the quantitative part of the program, and schools simply won;'t let in candidates who they question can handle the work.

    There are 3 key componants of MBA admission--GPA, GMAT and work experience. Your experience is unusual for an MBA candidate. Most will come from the corporate world where they've had a chance to show how they perform in a business environment and what they could accomplish. So basically, out of the three, what you're presently showing is just a good GPA.

    So if it were me I'd take the time to really raise the score before applying. Many lesser MBA programs are not worth the time or money and won't do much for your career. This isn't like med school where a doctor's school stops mattering, where you got your MBA from always will.

  2. I am currently in the process of preparing for the GMAT also.

    The GMAT is not necessarily about assessing how smart you are, but testing age old abilities we learned in grade school : reading the questions as they are and not what we want them to be, following directions, time management skills etc. All of these attributes we learn but totally disregard as we get older. So, take a few days off and breathe (sounds as if you may be struggling with test anxiety).

    Then take more practice tests online with Kaplan and Princeton Review, do more google/yahoo research of the test, re-open those exam books and don't forget to have fun while you are studying. It is so easy to study ourselves to the point we freak ourselves out. After a few months of this, re-take the exam, I am sure you will find that you are more prepared and better acquainted with the exam process.

    Good Luck! And you'll be fine...

    P.S. You have a great GPA, resume, recommendations I assume...these are all important factors in the admissions process, too.  

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