
I just simply want to ask the ladies that love to and can't help it, how do they pop and crack there gum.?

by  |  earlier

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If you love to pop and crack your gum back to back and non-stop and TRUELY and HONESTLY has no control over it or just love to do it, I want you to explain how you do it for me.




  1. lol.i cant explain's 1 of those things i just do.  

  2. ha ha it is kind of hard to explain, when my daughter wanted to learn how to do it and she couldn't she would cry for hours.

    then i guess one day she pop it and crack it then that was that.

  3. You kind of blow it like you're going to blow a bubble, but stop. At that time, it should be in it's stickiest form. Then, while in that form, you just chew it faster. It should pop and crack on it's own.

  4. What I want to know is WHY people think other people want to hear their dern gum cracking and popping.  It's very low class and annoying.

  5. I'm not sure how I do it, it just started one day.

    I can only do it on my left side.

    I think it has something to do with the way I chew it and air bubbles or something.

    I do love to do it. It seems to calm my nerves.

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