
I just smoked in my girlfriend's bedroom. How can I get rid of the smell before she gets back?

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To make a long story short, I am over at my girlfriend's house right now. She left to run some errands a few minutes ago and won't be back for a while. However, I just smoked a cigarette in her bedroom and now it stinks. I don't know why. I needed one really badly and just lit up. It is really cold outside today, so I kept the windows closed. She will kill me if she finds out. How can I get rid of the smell before she comes home?

P.S. It's her parents' house (she is 17) and I don't want them to find out either.




  1. Where are you that it's too cold outside?  It's freaking mid-July.   Were you smoking crack?

  2. look  out for the air freshner etc.try to open the window or door for of luck.

  3. Try looking for air freshener somewhere and spray that in the bathroom. or at least something that smells good.

  4. Air freshener?? Or just meet her as she comes in the door and ask her if she wants to go out for a drink. She'll probable look at you like your weird but you might get away with it. Good luck : )

  5. You don't know why it stinks?

    Do your girl a favor and dump her...she need not be hanging around with trash like you -- especially at 17.

    Obviously, you are disrespectful to the point that you'd smoke in someones PARENTS house who knows what else you are capable of...I hope her parents didn't leave any money out!!!

  6. window open, one spritz of her perfume or something. or bathroom air freshener..smoke smell sticks bro, its hard to get off in a short time..

  7. tsk tsk.... well, besides the fact that that was pretty stupid considering you knew what you were getting yourself into... open up the windows, burn some candles and turn on a fan pointing out the window. don't open the door into the hallway, though, the smell will linger out there. tsk tsk.... next time, bare with the cold eh?

  8. Take a dump on the carpet and blame it on the dog. The smell will mask everything else.

  9. Spray perfume or air freshner and hope to h e l l she does not smell it and next time go outside who cares how cold it is not your house!!

  10. by using deodordant

  11. (happened to me b4)

    open up the windows.

    get a fan to blow the smell out of the bedroom.

    take some air freshiner and spray it in her room.

    also if they have some powder that they put on their carpet,put some of that down.

  12. If they are nonsmokers, you can't.  They will still smell the smoke even when you can't.  A product like Febreeze helps eliminate the smell, but you would do better to confess.  I teach I, and I can tell which of my students live in a smoker's house because the child smells of smoke.  The smell just sticks.  You won't get rid of enough of it.

  13. open the windows for a few mins and spray some perfume or air freshener.

  14. fabreeze like crazy.... like emtry a whole freakin bottle in there, but do it now so it has time to air out. cause if it smells like fabreeze she will know something is up too.

  15. Open the windows and let the breeze come in.  Turn on some fans and take her blanket it and fluff it out.

  16. febreeze, perfume, hairspray, axe, tag, anything that leaves a scent, Spray it ALLLLLLLLLLL and hope to god she doesnt notice, first off if ur gonna smoke in a room, open the window lol.

  17. Febreeze, incense, Lysol, you figure it out.  Next time go outside and don't be such a dewwwwwsh!

  18. look under the sink and get cleaning products and spray them and clean and then spray some perfume of your g/fs

  19. c**p all over yourself and the walls.  When they return tell them that you are incontinent.  I'm sure they will understand.

  20. Open the windows, turn on a fan, spray some smelly stuff, light a match, h**l I don't know. Let go some really big farts.

  21. light a bunch of candles.  It will get rid of the smell and she might think you're being romantic.

  22. why would you do that anyways... open a window

  23. open the windows, wash everything you can- sheets, clothes, everything.  wipe down all furniture (odor eating wipes like lysol).

  24. light a candle and if she smells smoke blame the candle.

  25. Ok get lysol or fabreeze those kill the oder not cover it up after that spray a mix or Axe or Tag and Fabreeze to fully kick the smell. If she has any out air freshiners plug em all into that room just one cig should not be that bad though. She will still love you but if you do all that she will never know.

  26. Well open the windows for starters... but the smell will still linger until everything is washed. Next time, smoke outside!

  27. That was really immature of you. Very disrespectful. You need to be honest and tell her about it. Cigarette smoke is disgusting and if you try to spray something it will just smell like flowers and smoke.

    TELL HER! and dont get her *** in trouble! That was really messed up of you. Lay off the cigs, it is nasty!

  28. Get a fan and put it in the window facing OUT, open the door and let the air run through the room. You'll be fine.

    Next time don't be d**k and step outside.

    Good luck.

  29. Only ways are to fan it out or get some type of spray like Lysol or Febreze.  Good luck.

  30. light a candle ... say the smoky smell is that- my parents always bought it

  31. get in your time machine go back half an hour and don't smoke!! lol good luck getting the smell out before she gets home...she will easily be able to tell that you smoked since nobody ever smokes in her room and the smell is on you too....but you can TRY and open the window, turn on a fan...and spray lotsssss of febreeze, perfume, anything that smells....except she will probably know you're trying to cover something up if it smells like all that in her good luck...i hope her and her parents don't kill you.

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