
I just sort of asked my aunt if i could use her credit card on a $150 order online, should i not have?

by  |  earlier

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it was for clothes.

and i only asked her because my mom doesnt have one and of course i mentioned id pay her with the cash i have but obviously cash is useless when it comes to the internet..

she said i could but when i asked her there was a pause like she was thinking about it and im not sure if i should have asked her.

what would you have said and should i tell her to just forget it? in case she doesnt really want to and is just being nice?




  1. Credit is kind of a personnal thing. I'll bet she's hesitating to give you her credit card number so you can use it.  I would be with my niece or nephews.

    Maybe ask her to make the transaction for you so you don't have to actually see her credit card info.

    Or some CC's now offer Virtual Numbers that are only good for a particular amount.  If she could get one of those in the amount you want to spend that should put her mind at ease.

  2. if you give her cash right away then it shouldn't matter.  

  3. To Be Honest With You i would have said no because not trying to mean but 150 in cash is nothing to credit cards because of all the interest on the cards and why would you buy 150 dollars worth of clothes when u can to a salvation army or like a playto's closet and get brand name stuff cheap and non brand name stuff cheaper  

  4. Before I had a card I would ask my Grandmother for the same favor you asked of your Aunt.  In the beginning she always hesitant, a lot of people ask to borrow from her and they don't pay her back.  I ALWAYS had the money before I asked her though.  

    She was worried about two things.

    1)  She had heard a lot of credit card fraud over the internet.  She doesn't use computers so that was a major scare for her.  I made sure to only order from companies that are well established and trusted.  Not the random person on the internet selling whatever out of their basement.

    2) I wouldn't pay it right away and she'd get stiffed for the interest.  I remedied that by giving her the money before I even pressed the "confirm order" button.  I made sure she was right there with me to see what I was doing.  After a few times, she had me connect her credit card to my bank account so I could just pay it directly to her card from my bank online.  It was easier.

    I always hated asking her because I don't like to ask for favors that involve money, even though I had the money that second.  But she always said that she knew I was good for it, if it was anyone else she wouldn't want to do it, because they don't pay her, but she doesn't worry with me.

    Ask your Aunt if she's really ok with it, or if she was just being nice.  Make sure she knows you understand her fears, and won't be mad if she doesn't want you to.  You can always buy them somewhere else.

    As a thank you, I always round payment up to the nearest $10.

  5. If you could articulate the genuine gratitude as you have displayed here, you could immediately reimburse and thank with a modest lunch or next time you are driving suggest to buy her a Starbucks (favorite drink).

    You are cool, no sweat!

  6. i felt the same way when i had to ask my dad to use his credit card to pay for a college application fee. I think just asking for money sometimes makes you feel like the person you're asking doesn't want to help you because you feel bad for asking. But I'm sure its fine, just be sure to give her the money before you purchase the clothes, and I'd definitely offer to show her the bill right before I purchase the clothes, just so she knows exactly how much you spent, and isn't worried that the money you gave her won't cover the cost of what you're spending.

  7. She is justifiably worried about giving out her credit card number.  Even if you pay her upfront, before you ever use the card, she might be concerned about the possibility that you could use her card again, without her knowledge, or that you might be careless with the number, and it could be compromised - someone else might be able to use her number.

    She might also be worried about your using her card online, and the possibility that a hacker could get access to her credit card number.

    Perhaps you should try to get a pre-paid debit card for future purchases.

  8. Of course give her the money upfront. If you give her the money ahead of the purchase, she won't feel so uncomfortable with this. It's your choice to ask someone to help you financially. Just be ready for "no" because family members tend to be unforgiving.

  9. If she owes you a big favor and you promise to pay it back than its ok. Otherwise you are taking advantage of a nice person.

  10. she may be afraid you won't pay, or at least won't pay in a timely fashion..... then she's stuck with the bill.  It's difficult to say no to family when they ask for favors like that.... Just make sure you pay her promptly and she will be happy.

  11. you can purchase

    a pre paid credit card

    from walgreens or a similar atore

    you load up your card

    and it works exactly the same wasy as a cred card

  12. Give her the cash upfront so there will be reservations about her letting you use her card.  Even exchange!

  13. Make sure you give her the cash before you charge her card.  She might just be worried what you are purchasing.  Some kids would lie.

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