
I just started babysitting my 8 year old cousin.?

by  |  earlier

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his attention span is sooo small. he plays one game for about 2 or 5 minutes then is bored what do u reccomend doing to occupy him?




  1. have him invite a few friends over and....

    buy a few cheap 'prizes' (small candy bars, little toys, etc) and have them do different races, like who can run the farthest, jump the highest, etc. they can pick the contests, and all you have to do is sit back and watch

    -take them to the beach or a pond! bring a few toys/floaties etc

    -play tv tag. kids love this game because its easy to get 'unfrozen'. one person is 'it' and runs around trying to tag the other kids. once the kids get tagged, they freeze, but once they say a television show, they can run again.

    - turn on the hose and spray them, play water tag, buy a few cheap water guns, let them take turns spraying the hose, etc

    -chalk is always fun! draw them a four square board, hopscotch, have them draw a self portrait, etc.

    dress up, board games, wiffleball, catch, frisbee, hide and seek, bubbles............

    good luck=]

  2. give him as many games as you can. if you are under 18 yrs you can play with him lol

  3. sit down and watch his favorite movie with him, and be sure to make some good snacks. children often have small attention spans at that age.

  4. Find a new game that he's not familiar with, patiently go over the rules of the game with him and play together.

    Put together a large jigsaw puzzle together.

    Have him run around outside with a soccer ball or play basketball.

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