
I just started college and I have made a few friends, who should I eat with?

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Well, it seems as if everyone is on their own schedule and I have no one to eat with at lunch. In college is it weird to eat lunch alone, or is it viewed as okay because of unique class times and what not?




  1. Everyone  has to eat and the schedules are so different, its not viewed as odd at all. Who knows, you my end up meeting and making a great friend during your lunch time.  Look around in the dining area and notice how many people are alone. That could be a good time to introduce yourself and offer to have lunch with someone else who may be feeling just as self conscious and insecure as you are.  Good luck!

  2. It's definitely okay to eat alone and not weird at all. When you're on your lunch schedule, if you want, make an effort and meet some new people. You don't necessarily have to eat with someone, you're in college - it's understandable. Each person has their own schedule.

  3. It's not weird at all. If you see one of your new friends ask if they'd like to eat with you. If you're alone don't worry about it. No one will notice or care.

  4. It is perfectly acceptable to eat alone, but also a great opportunity to meet some new people. If you are feeling extroverted and decide to meet somebody new, take a chance and meet somebody who doesn't necessarily "look" like you (race, ethnicity, clothing style). You'll meet some fantastic new people this way.

  5. It's completely fine to eat alone, I do and it's because I don't know any friends who have my same schedule. A lot of students eat lunch alone and no one cares.

  6. There's nothing wrong eating lunch by yourself, although if it feels odd to you... next time you go to lunch bring something to read.

  7. Find Connections. A lot of things go around during lunch time. Maybe when you're walking past a table you find someone talking about a topic you like, ask if you can join in the conversation. Or maybe you can meet with your friend's friends and see if you guys connect and have lunch together. Hope this helps ;)

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