
I just started cross country im a freshman and i have a few questions?

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We did a 2 mile run and i about died and we do a 5k how can i hold a good pace im really scared about races and that i will do bad also any good training for cross country at home or gym thanks




  1. if you want to train at home, try running four miles at your own pace, but push yourself. If you do this a couple times a week, you'll feel like a 5k is nothing

  2. if your in cross country, your gonn be running everyday after school, so you will eventually get better, so dont wory about sucking, because at first you will suck, but thats the idea, is to get better as you run more...if you survive to your junior or senior year and are still in cross country, you will learn to love to hate running...good luck!

  3. Bahaha.

    I have ran CC since my freshman year.And im a Senior now. It is an amazing sport. 2 miles is NOTHING.. I Run 10 miles in just one practice.. and no less than 4 on reg running days..

    3 miles is a piece of cake..

    and you will learn to love to hate running..

    i complain about running everyday in practice.. and how much i hate it. but i actually love to run.. i always have.. lol...

    and trust me.. there will more than likely be people that are worse than you in meets.

  4. you will survive!!!! just dont stop!!! i had track before cross country so it helped but ur doing it right away, tough. YOU WILL GET USED TO RUNNING THREE MILES!!!!!!you just need to practice hard, and have the mentality to keep going. PUSH YOURSELF!!! i remember in track one day at a meet i was determined to PR (personal record) i was gonna run the mile race and i fell at the starting line *dont laugh!, im clumsy!* so we started again since i only scrpaed my arm (really bad bythe way it scarred) but i PR that day by 20 seconds!!!! i felt horrible after the race so i new i did my best!! so just dont give in when ur tired!!!! it wont be bad to practice at home or gym!!!! my friend and i run at home (its good to get a partener so you guys can push yourselves, i find that if your alone you dont push yourself as much) and my friend found a 5k loop around our neighborhood by using a website to look for a path (sorry dont know the site she used)

  5. well first of all, when you start running you will be awful, but dont feel bad.

    your first 5k will be tough, but you will make it through and survive.

    something you could do at home to help build some strength is maybe doing core workouts.

    such as situps, pushups, crunches, supermans, flying v's, planks, etc.

    and probably some of those sound rather foreign to you, and it would be impossible to explain them over the internet, so ask your coach about what some good core workouts are to build strenght.

  6. Run longer in training than your races will be so that when you do your races they will feel easier. You will get better as time goes on. On a treadmill i would try running for 30 min at a steady pace every day! 5-8 mph is a good setting.

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