
I just started cycling after not cycling for many years, maybe 15 or 20 or so, and I'm feeling pain in the

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front of my legs, I guess it would be called the shin bones of both my legs. Is it from my legs not being used to to cycling in such a long time? And what exactly in my legs is hurting like this? Which muscles or tendons am I stretching that's causing this? I may take some ibuprofen for the pain.




  1. You probably strained yourself too much. It could be shin splints but I don't know how you'd get those from riding a bike. Make sure your seat is high enough on your bike. Your knee should be just slightly bent when your foot is at the bottom of the stroke. This is the best position when riding a bike because it's closest to the natural weight-bearing that your legs handle when walking.

  2. Its the muscle that is used to pull your feet up (the opposite to pointing your toes). Those muscles aren't really used that much in cycling, but like any muscle if you continue to use them they will get stronger and the pain will go.

  3. The most important aspect of general cycling is the fit of the bike. If it's not sized correctly, it'll be terribly uncomfortable and you won't be as efficient.

  4. The muscle is called the anterior tibialis, the posterior tibialis is right behind. They aren't used to being stretched like that. To stretch them stand with your toes on a curb or something similar and let your body weight push your heels to the ground, then pick yourself up so you're on tiptoes (dorsiflexion/plantarflexion) that should be a good preride leg stretch.

  5. Try to ride without flexing your ankles too much, (I'm surprised thats all that hurts after a long time from the bike!).

    Another poster named the muscles involved, but avoid stretching before a ride, - It's a completely pointless exercise and may even do more harm than good!!  If you stretch at all then stretch after the muscles are warmed.


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