
I just started homeschooling my son?

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I live in Minnesota and I was wondering who I have to report it to and if there are tests that the state has to give him at the end of the year to see that he is ready for the next grade?




  1. i was homeschooled in minnesota from 2-8 grades. i believe you actually have to register him with the school. he will have to take the iowa basics test in 5-8 grade, if i remember right. keep good records, and all his work. make your own report cards.  i would suggest putting him in PE at the public school, just so he can get his physical activity. talk to the principal about that. thats what my mom did. good luck, i think you made a great choice =]

  2. First, go here or to  the MACHE website and use their form to register your child with the superintendent of your school district.  If you fill out MHA's (or MACHE's) registration form, that is all the information that the school district can legally ask for (the packets you get from the district usually ask for considerably more information than what is required by law).  Look around either of these websites, and read the laws for yourself.  

    You are responsible for your child's curriculum, giving your child any tests, and passing him/her on to the next grade.  

    Each year, your child is required to take a nationally normed standardized test.  You can either have your child take the MCAs with his grade level peers at school (but that doesn't always cover all subject areas the state requires homeschoolers to test on), or you can test him privately, meaning you find a proctor to give the test or you can give him the test yourself in your home.  I have ordered the CAT (California Achievement Test) from Family Learning Organization before and given it to my child myself, but I don't recall if they require the parent to have a 4 year degree or not.  You are NOT required to show the test results to anyone,  the results are for your eyes only, so don't worry about your child getting a "good" score, just enjoy learning.


    If you don't have a BA degree you have to provide quarterly reports.  YOu have to test annually (and YOU may have to pay for it).

    I would assume they want the Minnesota test, but read all the infor and see.

  4. Yikes! DON"T go to the board of Education right off.  First find out the laws for yourself because often those who work in the Public School system don't really know the laws pertaining to homeschooling (I choose to assume they don't know, rather than assume they willfully lie to people, but I could be wrong).

    Find out the laws in Minnesota by clicking here:

    and here:

    If he is under 7 though you don't have to file at all, because he isn't required to be in any form of school until age 7.

  5. You need to go to see what the laws are regarding homeschooling in your state. That is  the best place to start.

  6. First of all, you should go to your county's board of education, ask for a homeschooling packet, fill it out, and return it to them.  You will most likely need to keep an attendance book, a grade book, and a record of what lessons are covered.  Every state is different, so google your state for homeschooling requirements, even though the packet you get from your board should tell you what you need to do.  You will also need to make a transcript for each 6 or 9 weeks, depending upon how you decide to assign grades.  You will also need to decide upon a grading scale.  If your state doesn't have particular tests to determine the next grade level, then that is left up to could let the child go on to the next grade in subjects that he excells in and hold him back in grades he is weak in if you wish.  Good luck and God bless, this is a huge undertaking!

  7. each state is different but i do no that first u need to go to ur board of education...

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