
I just started modeling how can i keep fit?

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im 5'8 15 yrs old and wiegh 145

what kind of exercises and diets can help me




  1. pilates.

    it tones

    i am 12. 5'4.108 lbs. do u think i can be a model??

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  2. you should exercise your abs a lot, so do a lot of crunches, and go on the south beach diet...i hear that ones the best.


  4. Stick your finger into the back of your throat after every meal.

    This way you will lose loads of weight, get kicked off modelling due to public image issues and lose the need to keep fit.


  5. just watch what u eat. try not eating much junk food

    and drink plenty of water, choose them over juices & soda

    but inorder to stay healty, u have to take in some sugar

    & protein as well as vegetables and fruit.

    and go take a walk out side once in a while so u can stay fit

  6. eat constantly but they are snacks like my favorite 1 is celery with peanut butter since celery is a negitive calorie with the peanut butter its very low

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