
I just started running and get tired easily how do i fix that?

by  |  earlier

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when i run i get tired really fast after around 10 -20 mintues of runnning and walking i get tired how do i change so i can run longer

am i doing something wrong




  1. From my experience, you are running to fast and not at a pace that your body and lungs are comfortable with. If you start at a speed that you are comfortable with, you will be able to run longer and then gradually you will be able to increase your speed.  Make sure you are breathing right as well, that can really have a toll on your running.  If not enough oxygen is taken to the muscles, they will get to tired to fast.  So make sure you are breathing right, and running at a pace your body is comfortable at.  Then gradually increase your speed every week for at least 5 minutes.  It is also a great workout and will help you if you Sprint and then walk, then repeat and do it for a minute each, really good for the heart and lungs.  Make sure you are also eating plenty of protein and lots of water.

    Also make sure you are stretching before and after you run, because if your muscles bunch up, it is harder to stretch the limits.

    Good luck:]

  2. your expectations runneth over...always run til you hit the thru the wall until you feel the barrier release its self...

  3. You have to build up your stamina to be able to run for a longer period of time.  Each time that you run, try to keep running for a little longer than before and you will eventually be able to run farther. Also, remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

    Good luck and hope this helps!!

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