
I just started school,and. . . .???

by  |  earlier

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Hey,people um I just started school only three days ago and i'm losing my mind,um i have this science partner he is so not right for me.He sings rap all the time,he always has a attitude and he is annoying i can't deal with him my teach set us up what do I do?????




  1. Marvel was just giving her opinionated answer. Every answer on yahoo answers comes from the persons judgment. Making it an opinionated answer. She's trying to help.

    About the question. Talk to your teacher and make her understand that your science partner is not a well working person. She will understand if she knows it is an effecting factor well trying to learn. In a smaller sense, everyone should learn, and not be held back by people that really don't care about getting a good grade.

  2. tell him to quit it! say dont give an attitude ni**er boy! and say he looks g*y when he is doing that or tell your teacher the same thing you just told us about him! or you can be friends with him like just talk to him or something. GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. Realize that annoying people are going to show up in your life so you need to deal with it. Just be mature about it.

  4. ask the teacher if you could switch partners.

    if the teachers says no.

    get a duct tape and put it on his mouth=]]

  5. Speak privately to your teacher and ask him to change your science partner./

  6. well try to work wit him its like having an anoying brother or sister u cant get rid of them and u have to deal wit them no matter what so u want a good grade deal wit it try to find something about him that is kinda cool and work from that  

  7. talk to ur teacher

  8. Wowzers you start school super early, but anyway, you should talk to your teacher about switching partners because he seems to be really bothering you.  

  9. Keep your cool. Just ask him to do his part. Like if you needed to write a report and draw 3 pictures, make sure that you split the work evenly. Don't think since he has a bad aduttide means you need to do all of the work to get the good grade.

    When he won't do something after 3 times he's told, just enforce the teacher. Talk to the teacher when he's not around...tell him/her that he's not cooroperating. Something might happen.

    Plus, for the annoying part, make sure you ignore it. I'm sorry...but whenever he cracks a joke or something look at him with a blank stare for a second.

    When he sings, ask him to stop.  

  10. Honey, stick it out.  Your grade is a whole lot more important than him handicap (plum crazy)

  11. d**n whats with everyone going to school so early.  

  12. As a teacher, I can tell you I would react in one of two ways.  I might feel as though that boy needs a strong partner like you to work with him, or I might think that he is interfering with your education and switch you.  Either way, it is good to tell your teacher.  Even if the teacher doesn't move you, he or she will know you are a serious student and will be more likely to watch the situation.  

  13. Just tell your teacher that your partner isn't taking the course seriously and would she please consider linking you with a different partner. If she takes her teaching seriously, she will let you.

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