
I just started to snowboard, how do you stop when your going really fast?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I got the balancing and turning, somewhat, down, but I can't stop ... I know i turn my back foot forward but is there any tricks or something that i need to know to do this?




  1. ok what you want to do is try to slide your back foot around to where your board is perpendicular to the direction the slope is going. at the same time you lift the edge that is faceing downhill. a good trick to know is... the more speed you have the more you will want to lean back uphill. but always make sure that the edge facing downhill is lifted high enough to not dig back into the powder. im sure that you have experienced that before. good luck hope i helped and have a great season

  2. just like swing your body around.

    bring your back foot up to meet with your right foot.

    thats what i do and it works!

    first time snowboarder also

  3. To start a turn, you press on the downhill edge of your front foot and the board will swing down the hill.

    Stopping is exactly the opposite - you press on the downhill edge of your rear foot (or as some say, put equal pressure on both feet to the uphill edge). This will swing the board across the hill and you can dig in the uphill edge and it will slow you down to a stop very quickly.

    If you are about to hit someone or a tree, I recommend sitting down and digging the edge into the snow as hard as you can. This will cause you to slow and prevent the sharp egde from hitting someone.

    Good Luck

  4. drop it like its hotttt

  5. Sit down, or make a severely wide turn and face the nose of the board up the slope.

  6. Fall.

    But when you do start to fall, try to be as close as you can to the snow. Bend low and then push your snowboard in front of you. (It'll hurt less that way.)

    Of course, there are other ways to stop. That's just the easiest way. Especially when you feel way to out of control.

  7. Fall if you absolutely have to, but it starts to hurt after you stop that way a few times. Plus it is kind of embarrassing if you can snowboard pretty well, but you always have to fall to stop. Like the other answers say, bring your board around so it is perpendicular to the hill. And be very careful not to let that front edge catch, owww. lol Another tip is to try to not get going super fast if you are unsure of how to stop, practice when going slow until you've got it down.

    Have Fun!

  8. Well you can try and sit down on your butt or make a J turn.

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