
I just took 10 mg of adderall at about 4pm. How long will it last? b/c I don't like the way it makes me feel.

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I was prescribed 20mg of Adderall for ADHD and was reluctant to begin taking them b/c of all the things I was hearing about them, but I need to be able to do well in school. I thought 20 was high for me, at least so I halved it and took 10 @ about 4pm and it's now 9pm. At first I was ok.. I focused and finished all my work, but now a couple hours later, I feel jittery and my neck is stiff( which could be the hours sitting at the computer) After all that verbal vomit.. lol.. my question is how long will the effects last.. b/c I don't like this feeling. I'm going to talk to my doctor tomorrow about it, but since its late and he's not available I figured someone here would be able to help.. I'm so new to these drugs... I've only used Ginseng to help control my ADHD... Help me please.. :-)




  1. probably wont be gone until you sleep on it and wake up in the morning.I have taken it and it didnt go away until i slept and I was up all night from it. I just got alot of cleaning done lol. but i didnt like what it did ears felt like they were clogged kind of and I kept clenching my teeth it was weird.

  2. Hi Funnygal, you are doing the right thing in wanting to see your doctor tomorrow. While there, pick his (doctor) brain as much as possible because you have the right to know. That's what you are paying him for anyway.

    Adderall works differently on different people. That is why experts will always tell you that there is no surefire method to treat ADHD.

    In any case, I suggest you take a look at this article and see whether you can relate to any of the stuff you are taking or not taking at the moment. Here goes:

    Funnygal, if you are not into physical exercises at the moment, it would be good for you to get into one and do it on a REGULAR basis. Exercises and eating nutritious food have been found in many studies to help ADHD people in many ways, including learning and behaviour.

    Good night Funnygal, and sweet dreams.

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