
I just took 2 generic Ambien. Will I be okay?

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I was prescribed Ambien 10mgs today. The DR. had it called in today before my appt. tomorrow. We never discussed the dosage or how to take them, I was just told that it had been called in etc...etc.... I was on Ambien about 2 years ago and I remember that the dosage was 10mgs and the direction stated 1-2 at bedtime. ( Mind you, I was pregnant.) I know that this was really stupid but, I didn't read the bottle I just figured that it was 1-2 just like last time....Then my husband read the bottle after I had taken them and said " This is the generic ambien ,Zolpidem Tartrate and the bottle said to take 1 at bed time!" Am I going to overdose?? I'm scared to call the dr. Anyone else take that many before?? Please, only people with experiance. Thanks!




  1. you'll probably sleep a lot, but yeah you'll be fine

  2. That's terrible that you weren't told how to take it by your doctor.

    I have attached detailed information on Ambien.  The 10mg is actually the stronger dose (the other one is only 5mg).  The normal adult, it states in the link, should not exceed 10mg per day.

    Don't feel bad and stress unnecessarily, though.  When you're not sleeping well, you don't tend to think straight and your doctor should recognise that.  You're paying him/her to get the appropriate advice and especially when you're not feeling at your peak!

    I have worked in pharmacy for 8 years and seen many such accidental overdoses.  Your liver won't appreciate it but at least it's capable of regeneration!

    I hope the medication does the job for you.  Better luck next time!

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